Setting up a CDN service is relatively easy. The fifth step can be completed once the publishing application is installed and it can be logged in. Alternatively, the registration and pre-configuration of the user account would be done on behalf of the customer, after which the user account's email adddress would be replaced by the customer's email address.

  1. registration of a user account to BunnyCDN
  2. creation of a pull zone ID (see image 1)
  3. adjusting other important pull zone settings (see image 2)
  4. prepaying for the usage time (e.g. PayPal payment) after 14 days at the latest (the trial period of the BunnyCDN will then end)
  5. setting the CDN address [1] in the settings of the publishing application, both at the managing interface and in user's settings
Picture 1. In the Pull zone section of the BunnyCDN, there is an Add Pull Zone function where you set both the Origin URL (the address of the publishing service) and the name of the "pull zone", which is a freely choosable and ends with "". The idea is to copy it to the publishing service's settings, e.g. "".
Picture 2. On erittäin tärkeää, että Vary Cache -valinnoissa on "URL Query String" asetettuna käyttöön. Muutoin CDN-palvelu ei näe verkko-osoitteissa eroa niissä olevien parametrien osalta. Nämä ovat asetettavissa pull zonen luomisen jälkeen Caching-asetuksissa.

The pull zone term is explained in more detail in the BunnyCDN's instructions:

[1] Käyttäjäkohtaisesti CDN-palvelua käytetään kuvien jakamiseen käyttäjien selaimiin ja julkaisupalvelun instanssin laajuisesti CDN-palvelua käytetään julkaisupalvelun selainpuolen ohjelmistokoodin jakamiseen käyttäjien selaimiin.