It is often more comfortable to write when there is more text from the same writing visible, as this reduces memory load. A single text field stretched wide and long is not always convenient enough, so a couple of different text writing modes was prototyped for experimentation. The "sliced" one of those has been developed to feel neat to use.

In this alternative text editing text is automatically split into several parts at the points where there subtitle is either bold, type of "Header 1" or type of "Header 2". This can be useful e.g. at the phase when one is just preparing to write something and want to keep a large amount of already written text quickly and visually presented. Also useful when there are lots of subtitles like e.g. in a writing that acts as a link directory.

If images or other attachments have been attached to the writing, they remain unchanged on save, even if they are not displayed to indicate that they are attached to it. Just a reminder: attaching differs from including. The placeholders stay where they were if they aren't removed while editing text.

If the text content is in a plaintext or a Word file, it can dropped to a "slice" at the point where the cursor is at that moment. The order of these "slices" can be changed manually by first selecting the "moving slices" mode and then moving them as desired. The "slices" can be reversed by using one of the dedicated buttons, which is useful, for example, if user have written things in chronological order but want them in the reversed order.

Another alternative way of editing text is to use the "lots of text editing" view. It allows to glanze writing collection's writings with less effort. There is a toggle button to make the catalog images in the writings appear as thumbnails at the end of the writings. Other particulars are not shown, but they are kept in writings even when saving and the quicklook functionality is usable (hovering the pointer over a placeholder). The switch also limits the maximum height of writings, so that there is not so much to scroll through, because of many longish writings. This is one of the views that has a "Stickyness" switch, which allows certain part of the view to remain roughly in its place when the page is scrolled vertically.