KotvaWrite Stories and KotvaWrite Explanations (2017)

The main purpose of the KotvaWrite has been to make it possible to carry out a large number of layout experiments and adjustments to literary works in a short enough time so that the time spent waiting does not feel long and meaningful results can be reached effortlessly. However, the typesetting system (XeTeX) does not keep up with such a fast pace and that significantly guided the product development and thus it was decided to split it into two different product lines, one (KotvaWrite Stories) producing HTML-based works with a wider range of style options and the other (KotvaWrite Explanations) producing both PDF- and HTML-based works, but with slightly more limited layout and adjustment options.

JDK 1.8, JPA, REST, EclipseLink, Eclipse, Visual Paradigm for UML, Foundation, Backgrid, Backbone, Underscore.js, SASS, jQuery, HTML5, CSS 2.1/3, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, JavaScript, NoSQL, JNDI, Tomcat 8, Digital Ocean, Putty, Linux command line tools, TeX, LaTeX, XeLaTeX, Loadster, NeoLoad, New Relic, Datadog, Nginx, HAProxy, Parse API, UML, Git, JUnit, Photoshop, MySQL Workbench

Process for generating preview images for a single writing

Java-based code generates a .tex file on the server side and then calls xelatex.exe or pdflatex.exe to produce a .pdf file having its structure and styling mostly affected by the settings made in the web interface. The XeTeX typesetting system makes its best effort to compile the final results on one run, but sometimes it needs to be instructed make another set of calculations after first run. Apache PDFBox is used to generate thumbnails of individual pages for viewing in the web interface.

KotvaWrite 2

It is still a web application for producing book-length, online readable works. The application consists of four parts that can be used for these:

  • Importing of material to be used in writings from multitude of sources.
  • Arranging material and writings.
  • Text writing and editing, compiling writings into a literary work that gets generated on the basis of parameters that affect layout, styling and presentation.

The most significant renovation compared to the previous version has happened at the interface level as it has been completely redesigned. The application has been designed using responsive design to substantially improve the user experience. Some additional features have been added since then (including an automatically generated PDF file and fine-tuning of the print version of the HTML version).

Java EE 6, JPA, REST, EclipseLink, Eclipse, Oxygen XML, Visual Paradigm for UML, Foundation, Backgrid, Backbone, SASS, jQuery, HTML5, CSS 2.1, MySQL, OrientDB, XML, iText, JavaScript, NoSQL, JNDI, Tomcat 7, AppFog, UML, Mylyn, Git, JUnit, Photoshop, MySQL Workbench

KotvaWrite v1.0

KotvaWrite is a useful web application for creating and editing text-based material that can take a book-like structure (in essence, multiple writings placed in collections that can be combined into a larger whole), which can be exported as a PDF file or made readable by others in HTML format. Text can be accompanied by images, illustrations, drawings and certain other types of "attachments" often seen in blog posts.

Java EE 6, JPA, REST, EclipseLink, Eclipse, Oxygen XML, Visual Paradigm for UML, Dojo, jQuery, HTML5, CSS 2.1, MySQL, OrientDB, XML, JavaScript, NoSQL, JNDI, Tomcat 7, AppFog, UML, Mylyn, Git, JUnit, Photoshop, MySQL Workbench

Ancoaarmade (predecessor of KotvaWrite)

The idea was to develop an web application that would serve its users' in needs like: writing down observations, self-learning, organising and publishing information, producing information, organising thoughts and remembering things. The final product will be a set of writings, which can be made public if desired, and which may consist of various collected or generated materials such as video clips, diagrams, pictures, drawings, etc. illustrative material. Material can be brought in from external data sources or from a mobile phone.

Java EE 6, JAXB, JPA, EclipseLink, Eclipse, Oxygen XML, Visual Paradigm for UML, Dojo, jQuery, HTML5, CSS 2.1, MySQL, OrientDB, XML, JavaScript, NoSQL, JNDI, Tomcat 7, CloudBees, Amazon AWS, Jasmine, DOH Robot, UML, Microsoft Project, JIRA, Mylyn, Git, PureTest, CodePro Analytix, PMD, JUnit, Photoshop, Fireworks, SHA1, PayPal API, Chrome extension, Firefox Add-on, Mockingbird, Adobe AIR, MySQL Workbench, Jenkins, continuous integration, REST, async servlets + filters, refactoring, design patterns, naming conventions