About KotvaWrite Stories
(also available in Finnish)
Explanations about further development and new features 10.1.2025, 14.12.2024, 12.11.2024, 24.10.2024, 5.9.2024, 9.8.2024, 9.7.2024, 5.6.2024, 8.5.2024, 19.11.2023, 18.10.2023, 1.9.2023, 25.7.2023, 3.3.2023 and 14.11.2022. Should help to weave together a sense of the different views, and to draw attention to things that have no visual cues or that you might not otherwise use in the first place. The latest images may be from the October 2022 version, while the timeliness of some other images may be questionable. Many new features are already implemented and many are being prepared, but more about them is told later. Just about everything related to this publishing application, starting from coding, has been done by Marko Seppänen, Hoito.org. For the least time-consuming introduction, it could be recommended to browse through relevant writings of the other solution, wherein the other explains things textually and the other visually: https://kwstories.hoito.org/view.jsp?solutionid=639
For consideration of a potential customer
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