When approaching different entities for demonstration purposes, there has been a list of subjects and possible works for which this publishing application is suitable:

  • an expression of a deep interest in an academic or everyday subject
  • live coverage of an ongoing situation
  • demonstration of skills and abilities
  • a place to find audiovisual, visual and audio works
  • a periodically published work
  • a long-term travelogue in blog format
  • a finalised telling about a place or experience
  • an occasionally improved explanation about one's health
  • a compilation of previous works published in different places
  • opinion pieces on topical issues
  • structured reporting within a defined target subject
  • a better explanation of what can be understood almost as such
  • fresh view points and insights with assisting images, figures etc.
  • a call to action using a wide range of arguments
  • writings having a conversational tone without any specific objectives

Privately the publishing application can be used e.g. for preparation of writings to be published elsewhere (e.g. online or in a print publication), for storing online coursework assignment responses and associated images, for planning what to write to email contacts, for coordinating online discussions on forums etc.

There are no restrictions on how many different views of the user interface can be visible in the browser at the same time. They can be ordered in tabs or in separate windows. A large monitor undoubtedly offers the most useful user experience, but the interface views are adaptable to use even on a smartphone. As a side note, to improve usability, it is advisable to install a general-purpose add-on on the browser you are using, which can be used, for example, to move between different tabs with a fancy mouse gesture.

To be honest, there is no particular reason to take the names of user interface views as something that would easily explain what they mean, what they are used for etc. For example, the word "adequates" does not really tell you anything until you have used the view in question and realised that "ah, this is what it's all about". Thus, these are here for some sort of "explanatory necessity" to create an impression of the scope of the service, etc.

The service can be partitioned in many different ways for purposes where there is a significant increase in usage or just a desire to separate the public and private sides, for example, to use different servers.

If there is anything to be understood from these descriptions, it might be that the publication service can be "chopped up" in many different ways, so that different functionality can be assigned to different servers, so that, for example, uploading images to the service (and scaling them to different sizes at the same time) would not place a load on the same server that is used to display the finished works. Reliability can be increased by multiplying the number of servers performing a given functionality and letting the load balancing component decide which one is used at any given time. Database servers and files can be replicated to ensure that even a hardware failure does not interrupt the service, because all data and files would be continuously at least duplicated before the hardware failure.

Other noteworthy possibilities include: a network file system, i.e. different servers can share certain files such as user's images; synchronisation of caching of data retrieved from a database between servers. This is of course only if more than one server is used. The use of more than one server is not necessary at all, i.e. everything needed such as the database management system, image files and the application server can be located on a single server. It is always possible to change resources such as memory, disk space and time slots on the processor (vCPU).

Load balancing of server hardware and software will not be fully utilized if the Linux server that first receives the incoming signals is configured to be highly restrictive in the outbound bandwidth. This is better explained in the writing "A word about limiting data transfer costs and visitor traffic".