You have probably felt a connection between why you sometimes choose to use an uncommon word – for you – and with what you think a moment later. You might intuitively sense that there might be a logical explanation behind it – on contrary of being mystical - but it doesn’t seem to be within your grasp.

In conversations understanding that connection will highly probably take longer than finishing current sentence as in those situations there is usually lot of other things to think about. Understanding that connection is probably easiest, when the mind is warming up to the idea that something certain will happen to oneself and which differs from what has recently happened to oneself and what he tends to think about. Such happening might e.g. be about taking a car and go to some place which hasn’t been visited by him for a long time: subconsciousness gets activated from relevant parts like those related to stopping at certain gas station after driving on the certain road for about certain time. Before that leads to any kind of mental images for the conscious mind to deal with, subconsciousness have already began producing ideas that turn into words in the speech. What gets said will probably sound as sensible as it normally would, but direction of a conversation might get shifted, because of what just happened – if one didn’t bother to stop himself from saying what he feels he is about to say. It could be said that thoughts began their travel to the consciouss mind, but it’ll take a moment or few moments until they get there. Explaining what is happening and why gets a lot more complicated, when choosen words – and maybe even gestures and microexpressions – differ a lot from a typical day, but still do fit rather nicely to the flow of conversation.

It would be justifiable, from security aspect, to ask can such be included in social manipulation toolbox (social engineering); could one by accident slip something like a password to some computer system consisting of two words, even when he wouldn’t say it in full or even partially? It is very difficult to prevent oneself from saying too much, if nothing that has already been said seems to imply that there would be any danger from it. It is not so difficult to foresee what will get discussed, if one is having a conversation with someone familiar to him, but if he doesn’t know the interlocutor very well, but he seems nice, it is practically impossible to prevent one’s working memory from burdening by trying to reflect one’s own thoughts in realtime and that discussion may flow to almost any direction.