It is quite typical for some people to improve their chances by undermining those of others. It is less burdening for one’s own mind than learning something completely new and becoming better that way, isn’t it? One way to distinguish some other from oneself is to ”fill the area” in that someone’s mind that is ”reserved” for something that he is about to become familiar with or might be interested about later in the future with rubbish.
Practically this requires that
Because brain is normally rather plastic (neuroplastiticity) throughout the life, effects will not be permanent, but damage done might affect the navigability of target person’s life especially if effects are maintained by those others. It might also be laborious to reorganize one’s mind, if it comes to that.
<-- Stress does damage to your hippocampus and disturbs your cognitive abilities
Others might not be prepared to hear explanation, because education systems lack in teaching certain regularities, patterns and templates -->