Nikolas Cruz (19) - Florida (yläkoulu, 2018)

Puhelimeensa tallennetussa videossa ampuja toteaa:

"it is gonna be a biig e-vent. when you see me in the news you know who I am. you are all going to die. piu piu piu.. oh yeah, can't wait"

Ampumistapahtuman jälkeisessä poliisihaastattelussa [1] sanoo ikäisensä kuuloisen miehen, johon viittaa toisinaan sanalla "demoni", olleen se joka oli käskyttänyt häntä mm. tappamaan ihmisiä, ostamaan aseita ja osallistuipa se musiikkivalintoihinkin, missä musiikin sanoitukset olivat esim. saksaksi, vaikkei Cruz itse saksaa kertomansa mukaan osaakaan.

"Burn. Kill. Destroy."

Pekka Eric Auvinen (18) - Jokela (lukio, 2007)

Luonnollisen Valitsijan Manifestikseen nimeämässään kirjoituksessa ampuja toteaa:

Voitte kysyä itseltänne, miksi tein tämän ja mitä haluan. Noh, suurin osa teistä on liian ylimielisiä ja mieleltään sulkeutuneita, jotta voisitte ymmärtämää… Luultavasti sanotte, että olen ”mielenvikainen”, hullu”, ”psykopaatti”, ”rikollinen” tai muuta tämän tapaista roskaa. Ei, totuus on että olen vain eläin, ihminen, yksilö, toisinajattelija. (Auvinen)
Olen saanut tarpeekseni. En halua olla osa tätä kieroutunutta ja mätää yhteiskuntaa. Kuten jotkut viisaat miehet ovat sanoneet, ihmiskunta ei ole puolustamisen arvoinen… vain tappamisen. Mutta… Kun viholliseni juoksevat peloissaan ja piiloutuvat mainitessaan nimeni… Kun korruptoituneiden hallitusten gangsterit on ammuttu kaduilla… Kun idiokraattinen valta ja demokraattinen järjestelmä on korvattu oikeudenmukaisuudella… Kun älykkäät ihmiset ovat vihdoinkin vapaita ja hallitsevat yhteiskuntia idiokraattisen enemmistön sijasta… Sinä suurena vapautuksen päivänä, tiedätte, mitä minä haluan. (Auvinen)

Seung-Hui Cho (23) - Virginia (korkeakoulu ym., 2007)

NBC Newsille lähettämissään videoleikkeissä [2] ampuja toteaa:

Oh the happiness I could have had mingling among you hedonists, being counted as one of you, only if you didn't fuck the living shit out of me.
Only if you could be the victim of your reprehensible and wicked crimes, you Christian Nazis, you would have brute-restrained your animal urges to fuck me. You could be at home right now eating your fucking caviar and your fucking cognac, had you not ravenously raped my soul.
You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today, but you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off, you Apostles of Sin.
You have succeeded in extinguishing my life. Vandalizing my heart wasn't enough for you. Raping my soul wasn't enough for you. Committing emotional sodomy on me wasn't enough for you. Every single second wasted on your wanton hedonism and menacing sadism could have been used to prevent today.
You love to pretend to, but you Hedonists, Charlatans, Sadists, Rapists, Terrorists will never know the feelings of giving up your lives for a cause. You have never felt a single ounce of pain in your hedonistic lives. You will never give up a single can of your Bud Light, a shot of your cognac, or a half-drop of your own precious blood for another human being, only fuck the shit out of him and lie afterwards.
As the time approached, I wished for a last minute miracle and discard this mission you've given me. Heaven knows I wouldn't hurt a single leaf of a flower. But when the time came, I did it. I had to. What other choices did you give me?

James Holmes (24) - Colorado (elokuvasali, 2012)

Järkevyysarvioinnissa (sanity evaluation), johon on Coloradon terveydenhuoltoinstituutin toimesta koottu tietoa ampujasta useista eri lähteistä, todetaan:

By his car he put on a ballistic 3A jacket (protects from handgun fire) and an arm proteclor on one ann, a belt with ammunition {250 rounds for his handgun and six rounds for the shotgun) and a tactical vest that held 400 rounds of AR 15 ammo. Mr. Holmes also put on a gas mask and helmet in addition to arming himself with a Glock pistol, AR 15 and a Remington 12 gauge shotgun. During this time Mr. Holmes put on a wireless headphone in order to listen to techno music because he did not want to hear anything during the shooting "so it wouldn't be personal." He turned up the volume to its maximum level. (Metzner 2013, s. 6, alaotsikko: "Alleged crimes")
When asked why he did not want it to be personal, Mr. Holmes stated "so there would not be a connetion between me and the victim… I wanted it to be generalized-[it] being a crowd or gorup of people… then it would not be like I was actually murdering somebody-if no personal interaction… just random people… ." (Metzner 2013, s. 6, alaotsikko: "Alleged crimes")
Mr. Holmes stated that he wore armor to protect him from getting shot, which would have prevented him from killing more people. He reported difficulties in answering the question regarding why it was so important to kill so many people "[If] I could get to kill everybody in the world that would put an end to the question of why people needed to be alive in the first place… that was the question I wanted to answer ever since I was a kid… I was at rock-botton… things couldn't get any worse… ." (Metzner 2013, s. 7, alaotsikko: "Alleged crimes")
Metzner comment: During this session Mr. Holmes told Doctors Fetton and Feinstein that "most people are sheeple." which was a coudensation of sheep and people. This was said to indicate thal "people are followers." Mr. Holmes explained during my examiation of him that he uses this term to refer to "people without meaning." (Metzner 2013, s. 24, alaotsikko: "Past medical history")

Adam Lanza (20) - Sandy Hook (peruskoulu ym., 2012)

Huolellisen oloisesti muodostetun, tekstiselitteellisen aikajanan perusteella, ampujasta todetaan:

28 February 2012: Adam Lanza logs on to "Shocked Beyond Belief" for the last time, submitting his final post as Smiggles to the thread "Anxiety and fear in American society: a history." In it, he explains his theory behind the phenomenon of mass shootings, and cites essays by John Zerzan. An excerpt: Thinking of this society as the default state of existence is the reason why you think that humans would be "not well" for "no reason whatsoever". Civilization has not been present for 99% of the existence of hominids, and the only way that it's ever sustained is by indoctrinating each new child for years on end. The “wellness” that you speak of is solely defined by a child's submission to this process and their subsequent capacity to propagate civilization themselves. When civilization exists in a form where all forms of alienation (among many other things) are rampant, as can be seen in the most recent incarnation within the last fifty years which AS55 talked about, new children will end up "not well" in all sorts of ways. You don't even have to touch a topic as cryptic as mass murder to see an indication of this: you can look at a single symptom as egregious as the proliferation of antidepressants. And look in your own life. You've said that you're afflicted by unrelenting anxiety and that you're afraid to leave your house. Do you really think that the way you feel is not symptomatic of anything other than your own inexplicable defectiveness? (Coleman 2015)

Rodger Elliot (22) - Isla Vista (kadut ym., 2014)

Elämänvaiheistaan ja syistään teolleen, ampujaa selittää tarkemmin yli satasivuisessa kirjoituksessa, mutta YouTube-videossaan hän toteaa:

You girls have never been attracted to me. I don’t know why you girls aren’t attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it. It’s an injustice, a crime, because . . . I don’t know what you don’t see in me.
I will punish all of you for it. [laughs] On the day of retribution I’m going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB. And I will slaughter every spoiled, stuck-up, blond slut I see inside there. All those girls I’ve desired so much, they would have all rejected me and looked down upon me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance towards them [scoffs] while they throw themselves at these obnoxious brutes. I’ll take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you.
All those popular kids who live such lives of hedonistic pleasures while I’ve had to rot in loneliness for all these years.
Well now I will be a god compared to you. You will all be animals. You are animals and I will slaughter you like animals. And I will be a god. Exacting my retribution on all those who deserve it. You do deserve it. Just for the crime of living a better life than me. All you popular kids, you’ve never accepted me, and now you will all pay for it. And girls, all I ever wanted was to love you, and to be loved by you.
I hate all of you. Humanity is a disgusting, wretched, depraved species. If I had it in my power, I would stop at nothing [points finger at camera] to reduce every single one of you to mountains of skulls and rivers of blood. And rightfully so.

[1] videotallenteen siirtokirjoituksesta
[2] tekstikatkelmat ns. "multimedia manifeston" text-only -versiosta

Auvinen, Pekka Eric. Luonnollisen Valitsijan Manifesti.
Coleman, Reed. 2015. Adam Lanza: Timeline 2.0.
Metzner, Jeffrey. 2013. Sanity evaluation – James Eagan Holmes. Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo.
Rodger, Elliot. 2014. Retribution. YouTube video.