Motivation, timing, etc., can be a reason for not starting something at the very moment when, while browsing the web, one notices something worth capturing that may have at least some usability for something. In such a case, a saved screenshot together with the address of the webpage seen should be enough to remind what one was about to write about.

An Android application has been developed on the Minimum Viable Product principle, intended for use only on Android tablets running at least Android 11. The application is logged in to with a username and session code, i.e. the login with password must have already taken place in order for the session code to be available and accessible.

The application acts as a receiver for the browser's share function, through which it receives information about the web page open in the browser. Based on this information, the application can open the same page inside that application, so that the user can then take the number of screenshots he needs from it. The screenshots are stored in the Pictures directory of the device and when send to the instance of the publishing application they are stord to the image container Quick saves (every user have such by default). The aim is to keep the transferred images in as high a resolution quality as possible, in order to allow for any cropping that may be necessary at a later stage. The Exif data fields of these images are used by including the address and name of the web page to them. After transferring these end up as the Description and Source for the related images in the Quick saves image container.

The same application can also be used to save simply links and their names, where the saving can target a choosen adequate set and its adequate.

Without using a separate application, one can take a screenshot of the page behind a link by, e.g. adding the link first to an adequate and then selecting the "Take a screenshot" function (see the "Screenshots" section of the instructions) or by taking a screenshot using the functionality of the mobile device or its browser.

On Android, one can take a screenshot of a web page, even a full page, by first typing "chrome://flags" in the address bar, selecting "screenshots for android v2" from the numerous options, and setting it to "enabled". This will enable the "long screenshot" function in the browser, which will save the screenshot taken on the device to a file (to the directory "DCIM/Screenshots", the name of the screenshot file will be formed according to the standard format).

On iPad, one can take a full-page or partial screenshot of a web page by first pressing the Home and Volume buttons briefly, and then choosing between a screen and full-page screenshot. Saving will produce a PDF file if one takes a full-page screenshot, otherwise a PNG file. Both options allow one to do cropping. This works equally well in e.g. Safari and Edge. Title of the web page is automatically contained in the image file name.

The Edge browser, which comes standard with Windows 11, has a basic web snippet feature that lets one take a full-page screenshot of a webpage, or crop it however one likes to. The image file format is always jpeg. Alternatively, one can install a browser extension such as FireShot.

To export pages and annotations from PDF files to an image file, there are PDF reader applications available with an option to directly save a page as an image file to a selected location using the Share function. Sometimes they do not offer to produce a very high resolution image, so a separate application, perhaps costing a couple of euros, specifically designed for this purpose may be a much better option (e.g. selectable image size, pages, file type, etc.). Once the images have been created from the PDF file, the importing view of the publishing application open in a browser of the same device can then be used to import the saved images for use of publishing application's solution or an adequateset.