By paying the initial prepayment fee via PayPal everything required to be bought before the the publishing application can be set up is done and configured for a customer, including getting the domain name, SSL certificate for the secure connection and CDN service.

What is required and why

  • Virtual server, so that publishing application could be installed.
  • Domain name, so that others could know where to go.
  • Secure connection, so that data communication between a user and the publishing application would be secured.
  • CDN service, so that operation of the publishing applcation would be quicker and more stable.

How much it costs

Virtual server. A good and plentiful minimum resources costs around 8 euros per month. Hourly billing is used. Many variations in resources and network topology. Hosted by Hetzner, with a data center in e.g. Finland.

Domain name. This is to be purchased from Hetzner as part of its web hosting package, which includes one free web address (assuming a rather common extension such as .net, .com or .org is selected) for a monthly fee of 2 euros at minimum. This package includes an initial fee of around 10 euros.

Secure connection. Hetzner's web hosting package also includes a free secure connection in the form of a Symantec Basic SSL Certificate.

CDN service. A separate user account is registered with the Bunny CDN for this purpose. An advance payment of a few euros may be sufficient to last for a long time. When it is fully used, the publishing application will continue to operate, but with a higher risk of server(s) getting overloaded.

How to pay the easiest

For both Hetzner and Bunny CDN services, the easiest way to pay is by prepayments, which in the case of Hetzner increases the "credit balance" that is automatically used to pay the invoices.

The customer does not need to provide their bank details to the developer/seller of the publishing application. Instead the prepayments are made by sending a prepayment using PayPal's internal money transfering, after which the full amount of the prepayment is manually transferred to Hetzner and Bunny CDN.

The PayPal money transfer is preferred, especially in the initial phase, but in the later phases the Hetzner prepayment can also be paid by bank transfer. When making the transfer, the Hetzner user account's id code is entered in the reference data so that the amount sent is directed to the correct user account. It may not be necessary to pay the Bunny CDN prepayment at all for a long period of time, or even regularly if it is not used much. Bunny CDN also has other services available for use, for which a customer can choose to pay from the same prepayments.

If requested separately, the customer can receive a copy of a monthly invoice, but this is a manual operation, so sending a copy of each invoice might not happen.

Pricing pages

Contract lenghts

Hetzner charges for the use of virtual servers, even if they are shut down. If they are completely removed, leaving only the user account for use, billing will stop immediately after the current hour.

For Hetzner's web hosting service, customer may have to pay another monthly fee for the next month, depending on when the service is suspended. For more information on this take a look at the Hetzner's documentation: 30 days to the end of the month

Domain names are typically those that are renewed or not renewed annually. Hetzner's web hosting service package includes a free domain name, with the annual fee paid from its initial and monthly fees. The domain name purchased from Hetzner is the property of the customer. If the customer terminates the web hosting package, he may continue to own the domain name by paying an annual fee to Hetzner or transfer it to another domain name registrar.

Using of the Bunny CDN can be terminated at any time, but of course it is not advisable to terminate it while all other essentials are still in use.

Billing cycles

Hetzner invoices its services on a monthly basis, which would mean two separate invoices (for the virtual server(s) and the web hosting package). The monthly billing dates would remain the same, but would vary on a client-by-client basis. The first payment reminder for the first invoices will be sent 5 days after receipt of the invoice, for subsequent invoices after 10 days.

When prepayments aren't made

In Hetzner's case, the advance payment is intended to cover the costs for the next 30 days. If it starts to appear that the prepayment may not be paid, the customer will be contacted and it is anticipated that all Hetzner services used by the customer might have to be deactivated. This may mean that the virtual server with all its data may be deleted and after that it cannot be restored.

Paypack of prepayments

At least in the case of Hetzner, prepayments can be refunded for the remaining amount (minus the balance of the last invoice). According to the information received from Hetzner's customer service, the refund will be made using the payment method originally used to make the payments, i.e. PayPal payments via the publishing application developer to the PayPal account and bank transfers directly to the bank account of the publishing application customer. It is not quite clear whether there is a service fee for a bank transfer when paying back prepayments, but in the SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) it should not be very much.

What does "overage costs" mean

Overage costs means additional fees over allotted usage limits. In the case of Hetzner's virtual server, it means that virtual server's outbound data traffic is free up to 20 terabytes (1000 gigabytes) and after that customer will get charged based on overage pricing, which in Hetzner's case is 1 eur per terabyte. The means of limiting data traffic to ensure that it remains within the free 20 terabytes will be agreed with the customer. There is a risk that some fraudulent parties might use up the free data traffic through bots.

Minimal resources for the publishing application

Resources such as disk space, memory/performance for server equipment are available on request. As minimum resources, 8 GB memory and 4 vCPUs (processor time slots) have been considered as suitable, which at 15.7.2024 pricing means a maximum cost of 8,04 eur per month. Then, a virtual server will be in use, i.e. the processor is used by multiple Hetzner's client. Dedicated servers, i.e. servers used by only a single customer, are more expensive. A publishing application can be distributed over several servers, as explained in the writing about network topology changeability.

Alternative service providers

There are no separate agreements with Hetzner or Bunny CDN to remain their user. They just simply are excellent in terms of pricing, functionality, features and willingness to evolve. The similar permanence of maintainability is also an important criterion for using them. A domain name and SSL certificate can be obtained elsewhere.

Management of login credientials

The control of the Hetzner and Bunny CDN user accounts remains solely with the developer/seller. The reasons for this include the need to authenticate with an identity document to obtain them and the risk of making incorrect configurations. Various optionalities that those accounts offer can be utilitized at the customer's request without any extra charge, provided that they are not too burdensome to implement. E.g. email accounts and subdomains included in Hetzner's webhosting service package and Bunny Storage, which another service of Bunny, could be useful.

More business-like operations still ahead

The publishing application is not yet sold as a business, but as a private person, so at this stage the customer does not pay extra for product development, maintenance, etc.