a) He is in constant "rebellion" against language (is alert for clumsiness and preciseness of usage of words and used expressions).

b) Is constantly exposed to incoherance of things on high conceptual level (e.g. "beautiful people aren’t mean.. no, wait.. they are.. no, wait.. they aren’t).

c) People, who are authoritative to him ruin impression of their trustfulness (e.g. parents and experts providing therapy-like services).

d) He can’t keep his different roles "clean" as other people intentionally produce similar, irritating stimulation no matter what role he is currently using and what is the current context.

e) It often happens that he have to confront a situation, wherein he has to choose between two choices, which are uncomparably important and elicit strong emotional responses, but only one of them can be choosen (e.g. should he help epileptical person, who is having a seizure or rush to the meeting where from he is almost late already).

f) His days begin with something irritating.

g) He feels it a tedious task to define himself with different kind of personality tests as descriptions in them don’t feel like something that would apply to him all the time or even most of the time (who really is constantly spontaneous or cogitates about everything).

h) He don’t have enough recovering time for self-reflection and for calming his inner "bustle".

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers Briggs_Type_Indicator