Picture 1. Target person would prefer to keep his mind rather neetly organized.

Nowadays harassment (from sophisticated to rough) that requires certain constant effort from participants is often about learning how a target person react to certain kind of harassment, how does it affect to his future behaviour and especially, getting doubtless know-how about what methods and techniques most certainly produce certain results.

Target person might intuitively notice that he is being harassed:

- his body and mind get burdened daily or almost daily in unpleasant ways causing his short memory and other executive functions to become momentarily defective

- he gets less enjoyment from daily activities (when walking outside, when having conversations with others, when studing, when visiting some places etc.)

- his feelings of success are suppressed in areas related to education, work or personal development

- more money gets spend because of situations he ends up in, but not because of his own choices or alternatively his belongings / personal items brake down, get wrecked, become compromised or go missing

- the feeling that someone is partly controlling his life become constantly proven (e.g. arrival times of emails from multiple senders get delayed for hours or even days for no good reason and emails which he send himself aren’t reaching their receivers)

- learned concepts get corrupted by others, who are assosicating them to something disguisting or rubbish

- keeping his mind well enough organized becomes tedious task as some people frequently force him to create associative connections between things that he usually prefers to keep separate (figures 1 and 2 illustrate this)

Picture 2. Target person isn’t quite allowed to keep his mind neetly organized.

However, yet he might not realize that purpose of all that harassment is about something that can not be guessed easily, but if tries to cogitate what really might be going on and why, he might notice that:

- he is been learned to feel (partially on subconscious level) that e.g. a person, an object or a phenomena is meaningful to him and it is also attributed to certain exact thoughs, and this is been achieved by reminding him about that something and its attributes very often and only in certain situations and under certain circumstances

- certain symbols (words are also symbols) appear in suspicious amounts as well as their subcomponents and their associations, same being applied to connotations, denotations and thoughts behind association hop or two

- priming-effect seems to be utilized very often (those using suggestions seem to be aware what suggestions have been used earlier)

- he is tempted to keep certain thinking patterns active in his mind, providing the possibility to see and think something visually (e.g. semantic web network, relationship of words in class-diagrams, best choice by discarding less good choices and grouping)

That is all for building base for what is actually going and that is.. predictability of behaviour. Certain kind of predictability requires quite a lot of effort from some participants and they utilize any kind of suitable computer systems that allow them to become better at predicting what someone does next. More about this later.

It also shouldn’t be seen as uncommon, nowadays, that even when nobody is recording a target person with a video camera, the radiation from his WiFi network could reveal what kind of creature is moving in which room and that information could be used to make even better predictions. Add to this realtime monitoring of target person’s computer and mobile device usage, supplemented with GPS- or RFID-based tracking and it becomes rather difficult for a target person to vanish from "them".