Let’s assume that there exists a purpose to make a spare part than can be self-installed to be bought by certain individual and that spare part will break down precisely at 11 AM next Wednesday. For such to become possible skillsets of multiple participants are required to be utilized. Expertise is a big plus.

Safety reasons are the main concern why it takes longer for some commodities to get within reach of customers, but quality assurance methods, which manufacturer applies to manufacturing processes can not absolutely guarantee that an end product couldn’t still be different from what customer thought he ordered/bought, if product’s chains of manufacturing, transporting and other logistics related matters aren’t secured well enough. Additionally, reports derived from quality control (e.g. durability, usability and risks) might get into the hands of non-authorized persons.

Spare part’s travel from designer’s mind to the shelves of a retail store contains multiple phases wherein even trainees might be allowed to become aware of the circumstances that contribute to the erronous operation or breaking down of a product – it could be just a simulation that they get to see, but nevertheless it reveals product’s condition under the circumstances, how long it takes for it to become non-usable, what kind of risks gets caused and maybe most importantly, how can it be aided for the product to become non-usable in certain time range.

Many commodity products are easy to swap from product package to another and that allows someone to replace perfectly good product with a defective one in the retail store or even earlier (e.g. when transporting products despite of seals of some kind as those could be forged). If the swapping is done in the retail store, then the one who does it probably knows how to move without getting caught in the act because of surveillance cameras.

More refined abilities are required from participating persons in phases, wherein it is crucial that a target person must choose certain product from the shelves by himself without anyone visibly guiding him. Experts and students of neuromarketing are one of those, who could be useful in this phase, without underestimating abilities or knowledge of practioners of traditional marketing. Interior and service designers might also be able to give useful tips as well as those working in the lightning business. Students of psychology, who explore concepts like perception, cognition, attention, emotion, intelligence, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior etc. might find it interesting to ponder what contributes to making certain choice and how someone can invisibly be guided to make that choice. And as humans’ abilities are affected by what they have eaten, it might be useful to observe target person’s eating habits as under certain circumstances and states of his body and mind, he might be more vulnerable to suggestions of various kinds.

As humans are generally social creatures, who like to participate to happenings, events, games etc. in which they can demonstrate their usefulness, it doesn’t take much to tempt them to participate to something that is closely related to what they would do in their studies or work anyway. If more temptation is required, target person could be choosen based on his non-popularity and how fun it would be to irritate him. Participants could be from anywhere around the world.