Kuva 1. The content list type "blog" lists, in the form of choosen styling adjustments, lists the writings of the work in date order.
Kuva 2. The "blog" content list type, like all others, can be composed of more than just the writings of the same work.
Kuva 3. The "out of ink" content list type presents the table of contents of a work in a compact way, which may be more practical than the "plain structure" content list type that lists all the writings etc.
Kuva 4. The content list type "plain structure" lists the writings and other parts by putting writing collections on below another. It is optional whether the date of publication is shown alongside the names of the writings. This type of content list type can be supplemented with a "cover image" and user-named specialpages such as a glossary, sources of inspiration etc.
Kuva 5. The "presentation page" content list type provides the content producer with many e.g. styling and placing adjustments. In it, writings are placed semi-automatically or manually in "writing sets". Essential information such as an mainimage, ingress, publishing date etc. are inserted without placing them separately.
Kuva 6. The content list type "presentation page", like all others, can be composed of content other than the writings of the same work. This feature makes it possible to keep the works thematic and, if necessary, to use their content in other works by means of redirect links, whereby a mainimage, ingress, publishing date etc. are retrieved from the reference writing.
Kuva 7. The "presentation page" content list type allows it to look partially like what would be generated using the "plain structure" content list type.
Kuva 8. The content list type "presentation page" offers just under twenty different "writing sets" to choose from, which determine how the semi-automatically or manually placed writings are layouted and how they look. There are also about twenty styling adjustments for each of them.
Kuva 9. The "presentation page" content list type, like all the others, adapts well to the different sizes of browser windows on different devices, i.e. a good user experience for the reader/experiencer is achieved kind of accidentally, even without explicitly testing a wide range of usage scenarios.
Kuva 10. The "presentation page" content list type offers a good basis for effective communication, as careful use of naming, ingresses and images will leave the reader with a strong sense of importance of the work and a notion about why he should actually read it.
Kuva 11. Content list type doesn't set much restrictions on the layout and styling of the content of the writings. In addition to text, a wide range of additional content can be embedded and included, from video streams to audio files, from interactive infographics produced elsewhere to social media posts.
Kuva 12. For the styling of the writings there is a limited, but useful amount of different adjustments, such as the font of the body text, and of course writings can have usual stylings like quotes and list.
Kuva 13. The writing pages can be browsed by the reader/experiencer one writing at a time or by loading all the writings in a writing collection at the same time. The publishing application caches the web page created during page loading for the time specified in the settings or a work (solution), and all images are delivered via the CDN service, so page loading speeds remain somewhat quick.
Kuva 14. A writing need not to contain more text than its name, if the content producer finds it appropriate, appealing or simply a good choice to present something only visually.