Envisaged for a later use it has been mapped what job profiles might be available at a stage when the business model has already been tested and the possibility of scaling up the already established company would be on a more realistic basis.
For some tasks a relatively permanent availability of an expert would be very important, for others availability can be more freely scheduled. On the other hand, many decisions have such a broad impact that a coherent understanding is likely to be better formed by someone with whom one has worked for a long time and who has multidisciplinary expertise. E.g. software architectural decisions affect business model, user experience, marketability, server-level network topology etc. On the other hand, the highly interoperating experts can be an excellent substitute for having an individual who has vast amounts of cross-disciplinary knowledge in his skill set. In any case, at different stages of application and business development, there would be much use for people whose job title could be e.g. network administrator, test designer, application shaper, foreseer, test user recruiter, marketer, business developer, and why not also a co-founder. Something can be outsourced and expert can be rented, but a permanentish work community would sound like an appealing goal.
There might be use for developers, who would on additional features like these kind of things:
For customers, other companies could directly offer additional services such as:
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