7 June 2007: Adam, as Blarvink, makes an edit to the Wikipedia page for Newtown High School. His note (accurately) points out that he was deleting "vandalism" by a previous user, and thus he makes no actual contribution, but this edit does establish that he was closely reading the Wikipedia page for Newtown High School on this day.

Summer 2007: A note from Newtown High's school nurse's describes Adam as presenting with "“high functioning" Asperger's Syndrome and anxiety. He was described by the nurse as "bright" and not wanting to be "defective." The nurse stated that he wanted to be in school to increase his knowledge.

Fall 2007: Nancy Lanza writes to one of Adam's teachers (presumably the English teacher given the content of the email) regarding his special needs: She informed one of AL's teachers that he worried about dying, being bullied, and that he was acutely aware that he was different from other kids. She feared that any story that referenced these social issues in a way that Adam could identify with would bring on periods of insomnia and a loss of appetite. Mrs. Lanza also noted, “Another thing we might have trouble with is boy-meets-girl type [of literature]. An adapted reading list is being provided as a substitute for the standard curriculum.

5 December 2007: Westroads Mall shooting: nine dead. Two years later, Lanza will edit the Wikipedia page on this incident.

Summer 2008: Adam hosts a "LAN party" at his home for the Newtown High Tech Club. Several friends attend. All reports from these friends indicate that nothing unusual happened; most of the attendees played Warcraft 3, Nancy met several of them, there were never any firearms seen, and Adam asked other students to take off their shoes and be "respectful of the house." The party took place entirely in the basement, and none of the attendees entered the upper two floors of the house.

25 December 2008: A discussion takes place on the “Super Columbine Massacre RPG” forum that covers the topic of anarcho-primitivist philosophy, which Adam would demonstrate an obsessive interest in two years later. Although he had not yet joined the forum, he was actively reading it by this time.

2 May 2009: Lanza registers the profile Kaynbred on northeastshooters.com.

4 August 2009: Collier Township shooting: George Sodini kills three and himself with three handguns, one of which was not fired. Adam Lanza makes edits to the Wikipedia page for this shooting two days later, confirming that he had accessed Sodini's personal website, where Sodini had detailed his plans and motivations for the shooting.

30 December 2009: Lanza registers the username Smiggles at shockedbeyondbelief.com, a forum dedicated to the Columbine killers and the phenomenon of mass shootings in general.

29 March 2010: Nancy Lanza completes the purchase of a Bushmaster XM-15 .223 from Krystopher DiBella at Riverview Gun Sales in East Windsor. This is the rifle used in the Sandy Hook shooting more than two years later.

30 August 2011: Smiggles posts to the thread "moments that restore your faith in humanity," expressing his respect for the actions and writings of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik, as well as an interest in the Unabomber: I'm normally not interested in non-Kaczynski bombers, but the format and organization of everything involved was such an impressive instance of mass murder self-actualization that it seemed fictional. I wouldn't call it encouraging, but it seemed motivational enough in some sense that it was the kind of thing you would find in a particularly macabre selfimprovement book. Probably owing to watching too many mass murder movies, reading excerpts [of Breivik's manifesto] almost had me at the edge of my seat in anticipation . . .

11 December 2011: Smiggles posts to "Shocked Beyond Belief": I spent all day ruminating over how much I hate culture. Now I've calmed down and am left lying on the floor, numbly perplexed over the foreign concept of loving life.

25 December 2011: Smiggles posts to "Shocked Beyond Belief": I hate going through these extremely rare instances of wild mood swings that I have. I think this was the only time this year for me. I was as depressed as I get during my last post, and I'm fine with the interminable depression that I normally have, but now I'm incoherently giddy with glee. Well, relative to my baseline . . . Except now that I'm giddy, I can't really say that I hate it because I think everything is delightful. If depressives cut themselves to feel better, I wonder what cutting a happy-go-lucker would do. Santa's supposed to be jolly. I hope he visits me tonight so I can find out.

15 November 2012: An e-mail from Nancy to Peter, after Peter expresses frustration that Adam has ignored his emails for over a year: I will talk to him about that but I didn't want to harass him. He has had a bad summer and actually stopped going out. He wouldn't even go to the grocery store, so it's been pretty stressful. Yesterday was the first time in moths [sic] I've been able to talk him into going to do his own shopping and his car battery was actually dead because it sat so long. I ended up spending most of the day getting it fixed and now I am going to have to start pressuring him to go out all over again.

(Coleman 2015)


It also explains why there are [-- --] virtually never female spree killers compared to the amount of males that there have been. Spree shooters often are motivated by a hatred of humans in the aggregate (For various reasons, but that is entirely irrelevant) and sometimes also act in an attempt to ameliorate some lackluster philosophy which they have established in their minds, such as the two ubiqutous morons Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. A female would not be likely to have a legimate and consummate hatred of humans in general because they would not be capable of detaching themselves from that collection while a male would likely have no compunction with it. A female would also not be willing to sacrifice something, especially their life, for what they believe to be righteous because they view nothing else mattering above themselves and espeically the comfort they would be losing; they would see themselves as being dead, and if they are dead, they believe their ideology would not matter.

(Lanza, about selfishness of women)


Children would not be "scarred" by their voluntary sexual experiences any more than adults in typical sexual relationships would be "scarred" unless their society shamed them into believing that they should feel guilty. The reason why a child would be mentally damaged after having consented to sexual activity is because they are socially conditioned into believing that what they did is in some ill-defined way deleterious. (Lanza 2010, private message sent by Smiggles)

Children are innately incapable of comprehending it, yet once someone attains a certain age (which varies extremely depending on the time period and location, thus demonstrating that it's absolutely meaningless), everyone is suddenly capable of it? If the nature of sexuality is fundamentally a concept to understand for all children, then it is not reasonable to assume that even a small minority of people are capable of comprehending its perplexity at 18. If an adult may engage in sexual activity because they are demonstratively capable of employing prudent rationality, then why may a child not enjoy the same right? Professing that a child is incapable of understanding the concept of consent because of the belief that adults are universally "more rational" than they are, and thus children do not deserve to control their bodies, is equivalent to claiming that females do not deserve to control their bodies because males are "more judicious in personal affairs" in relation to them, or some other such inane fatuity. It's a senseless and morally reproachful position to hold.

(Lanza 2010, private message sent by Smiggles)

Coleman, Reed. 2015. Adam Lanza: Timeline 2.0.
Lanza, Adam. [writing about selfishness of women]
Lanza, Adam. 2010. [private message sent by Smiggles]