Each work has its own project page, which contains navigation links/buttons to all the views and modal windows relevant to the project, from the beginning of writing to fine-tuning the final work, from backup to selecting image catalogs and from asset management to search functions. Here are some of these separate views.

Importing. This screen contains the "drag and drop" area for uploading image files to the server. Images can be imported one by one or multiple ones at a time (serially uploaded). In addition, this view allows you to import JSON-structured data containing collections of writings for the project in question (exported originally in the project managing view). Entire projects with all their images etc. would be imported in the project listing view. In the user-specific settings, there is a setting that causes all the acceptable image formats to be saved in non-destructive PNG format. The "Particulars (images to be added to articles, etc.)" page provides more information on, e.g., how to affect the pre-scaling size of images and how to bring up the image cropping tool.

Moving writings and images. Even if images have already been placed in the writings, it does not prevent moving of images from one image container to another or the whole image container to a different image catalog, since images are referred to by an id code which does not change when the images are moved. The view includes switch buttons to change the possible destinations of images and captions, so that in one position the transfer is only possible within the limits of a project and the image catalogs associated with a project, but since sometimes one wants to move writing or images elsewhere, too, that has been made possible. In addition to moving writings, they can also be copied.

In this view, user rights management has been relaxed so that if a user is an editing user in any project that uses an image catalogue whose image is used in adequate items, that image will be visible even if that project does not have that image catalogue attached.

If necessary, adequate sets can be moved from one user to another in the managing interface. In that case, the adequate set being moved will be unlinked from all projects to which it has been linked. Alternatively, the export/import functions specific to adequate sets can be used.

Writings can be copied from one project to another by using the export function in the project management view as it generates JSON data that can be given as input data in the import ciew of another project. This JSON data can be edited with any of the many JSON editors, allowing, e.g. to remove unneeded writings or writing collections before importing the remaining ones into a project. Areatexts and endtexts will not remain as part of an writing after such an import, because that kind of information is not included in the JSON data.

Other means of copying project elements are the "overwrite writing" and copy/paste functions that are available in the text editing view. The "image assorting" view (described in the writing "Freeform image assorting") could also prove to be beneficial.

Mass actions for writings. You may want to do some operations on several writings at a time, such as hiding parts of a writing that are not needed (e.g. ingress), replacing odd-looking quotes with more common ones, or styling multiple writings to look similar. Doing these things one by one would be quite a clunky job. Other benefits include the ability to see the dates of all the writings in a work at once, and if needed, change them. From the image you might guess that changes can only be made to a collection of writings at a time, but it should be mentioned here that holding down the Ctrl key while selecting a collection of writings from the menu does not replace the previous listing, but adds them to the list. The header fields in the table can used for sorting in a predictable way.

Searching for writings and image containers. After you have written enough and/or have not written for a long time, the search functionality can be useful to find your writings. The occurrence of a search term is highlighted in both the headings and the body text of search results. Around the occurrence of the search term, some text from related writing is shown before and after it. In this view, you can initialise a search by adding the parameter "seachquery" to the url and giving it a search criterion. If the search criterion begins with "author:", it is assumed that the text following it refers to an authorid. These are created in the Authors section of the user preferences, which is an experimental feature. Writing finding groups are another experimental feature. They are first created in a separate view and can then be selected to list preselected writings in a project-independent way. Searchability (with another button) of the names of the image containers may become useful when there are already several dozens of image containers.