After much browsing of online dictionaries, it has been decided to name the images, videos, tweets, image collages, etc. that can be attached to the writings as "particulars". Images are the only ones that can be stored in image catalogs for use in a number of different writings. In terms of workflows, placing particulars to an writing requires both attaching them to the article (text edit view) and including them (writing fine-tuning view). Not all of the particulars may even be used, but only those that are actually included. Particulars may be referred to by placing a ref marker.

Attaching and including particulars (like images) to writings

It is a deliberate choice to make particulars in the text that is been edited to appear in the form of placeholder elements that symbolize them and which in the case images have image id number and given image width. The position of these placeholder elements can be changed either by clicking on to select it and then moving it by arrow keys, with the Ctrl key held down (one paragraph of text at a time) or, perhaps more easily, by placing the cursor where you want it and then clicking on the placeholder element with the Ctrl key held down.

A quick preview version is available for any particular type by hovering the mouse pointer over the placeholder element. Alternatively, placeholder elements can be made to appear more visually (a function in the text editor's Misc menu), so that e.g. images look like images in the editable text (but without any fine-tuning).

Selectable images in an image catalog (its individual container) are displayed in the modal window of the text editing view, although they could of course be displayed in a different way. If an image has Source information, it will also be shown in this modal window, because sometimes the clearly differing part of many similar-looking images is in it.

When adding either separate images or pictureshow images, there is a button or buttons in the modal window to make use of the image selections made in the "image assorting" view.

It is possible to change the order of the images attached to the writing in the text editing view, but this is only for convenience at the time of writing, i.e. it does not affect the order of the images in the text. The captions of the images are displayed with the images attached to the writing.

When a highres version of an image is stored and available, a visual indicator is displayed in various contexts. In some contexts, this indicator is revealed by the user and in others it is constantly visible. In the text editing view, for each image in a writing there are a few "action tools", of which the button "To pictureshow" includes that image to the preparation of a pictureshow, the effect of which can be seen when that modal window is opened, which is used for attaching a pictureshow (bunch of images) to the writing.

Images are one kind of particulars which can use text styling in their captions. It is possible to have a list of attributes (using bold style) and their values listed one above another by putting them on separate lines and having two columns between an attribute and its value. These can be used to e.g. define or characterize different types of particulars. Also works with images in a pictureshow. Caption texts, if not using mentioned attribute and value pairs, can have text string "_originated_" replaced with image particular's "Source" value and which will then be shown in small caps using font whose letter spacing is slightly looser than usual. Similar styling can be defined to be used on other parts of the caption text by inserting two "_" charactes to where from styling should beging and where it should end at.

Other particulars (than images)

Some other specific types that can be attached are videos (YouTube, Vimeo, streamable video files, maybe others), tweets, SoundCloud music, streamable audio files, coding examples (CodePen and JSFiddle at least), podcasts (about thirty different hosting services), etc.

When using a direct link to video or audio, player's style is currently based on what browser offer by default. It is advisable to place the files to be streamed to be available through the CDN service that is already in use (files can be transfered using SFTP.

A bunch of images is classified as a third, completely different type of particular and which can include several images from one or more image catalogs, which can then be used to make a image slideshow or any other type of presentation available in the writing fine-tuning view. Each of these images can have its own caption in addition to the optional caption for the image collage. The order of the images can be varied when forming the image collage.

In the text edit view, the attached image collages are displayed next to the text as a set of images. Attached image collage can be used as a basis for a new image collage. The captions for these separate images are displayed in the modal window, when they are about to be added or just after pressing modify button. Otherwise their existence is only known (in the text editing view) by textual reminder mentioning amount of captions if there's at least one caption.

Browsing image catalogs

The particular browsing view is only for those particulars that are located as images in image catalogs. The selected project limits which image catalogs are selectable in this view. An image catalog already assigned to a project can be safely removed from the assigned ones, as it does not affect e.g. images already attached or included to a writing or writings, as their visibility and functionality is based on the ids they have.

The width of the browser window automatically affects the grid size wherein images are shown. Up to a maximum of five images per row. An image type particular type can be used in writings, image collages and adequates. Below images are internal links to where images have been used (adequates, writings and pictureshows) and near them are the read-only descriptions and sources (hideable if too obtrusive). There is a use case wherein image particular's source information would have title and url of a website using syntax which starts with the word "screenshot" and followed by other information separated by " --- ". By clicking on that source will result in the title ending up in the description and the url as a link in the source. An url in a source gets automatically converted to a link, when shown in a image grid (in the views particular browsing and combined text editing). If a link is dropped on an image in the grid (e.g. from the operating system's side, from browser's bookmarks or from browser address bar), then title and url of the link will be used as description and source information for the particular image. Also, as more info gets fetched about the link, its availability date will be added to the description information using certain syntax. That date is utilized when image container is momentarily sorted by date. This probably sounds overly complex, but sometimes there are reasons for such.

near by are also images' in-editable description and read-only source information. Both of them can be edited by actually selecting the image. There's also a switch to hide them if they seem to discracting at the moment. Hovering mouse pointer over an image reveals tool buttons such as Details, Crop, Remove, Reduce images, Load Image and "Large Preview". Opening a large preview image also gives access to the OCR function, which is an external service that tries its best to recognize text in images and provide the letters, words and sentences that it founds as plain text. After using it, it is also possible to make a selection from the recognized text and make a web search to retrieve the first three search results using either the Google Search or Brave Search (their APIs). Those results will be shown in the same modal window. Ctrl-clicking on the recognized text will copy all of it to the clipboard. When using Google Search, the metadata in the search results can be used to save date, title, web address, etc. in the description and source data of the image.

The Reduce images function means that all image sizes larger than 640 pixels that were prescaled during the image upload phase are removed. If the Ctrl key is hold down while using it, the image size of 1024 pixels wide is also left undeleted. Crop is also available at the upload phase, but after the upload it is also possible to create multiple new particular images from a selected area of the selected image, which is useful if, e.g. when several areas of an image might work better as separate images.

To make it easier to browse through images of selected container, the "Large preview" image can be changed using the arrow buttons. Also applies to the "Crop images" modal window. Names of image containers of a catalog can be copied to the clipboard, if such is felt as useful. Images can be marking as "usable" in three alternative styles. These markings can also be applied in the image assorting view and they are visible in most views where particular images are listed.

Understanding which image catalog and which image catalog container the image is in can be forgotten, and one might not want to bother searching for it by navigating through many navigational moves. It is easier to click on a link that takes you to a particular browsing view and where relevant image catalog and its container are already opened. As an example, here is a link below the image displayed in the writingparticular panel of the text editing view. The images in the special pages, adequates and writing fine-tune views also have similar links in use.

Fancier ways of browsing images

If the description of an image particular has a date as first characters, using certain syntax and on its own text line, such dates will be utilized to momentarily sort images of a container by date.

Vertically tall images may be more convenient to scroll through if they are placed side by side and the mouse wheel can be used to scroll through them horizontally. There is a possibility to momentarily set it up in in the particular browsing view.

If images in an image container has images with greatly varying heights, some of which may be very tall, one might want to browse them by momentarily limiting their maximum height to 1400 pixels. Visually images that are vertically taller than that will look like they have been "torn across" at the bottom. This function is available in all views where images are placed on a grid. This function also causes only the part of the images that will be displayed to be downloaded from the server.

Method named "lazy loading" is used often, which means that only those images (and e.g. videos) that are meant to be displayed on some moment are loaded from the server or CDN, i.e. scrolling up or down the page causes loading more to be displayed. This applies e.g to browsing image containers, but also to all images in public solutions etc.

Cropping images before uploading and highres images

The importing, item moving and particular browsing views bring up a cropping tool, which allows you to (locally) edit images uploaded to the server by cropping out the unnecessary areas. The actual scaling of images to different sizes is done on the server. The image cropping tool can be accessed by holding down the Ctrl key when drag'n'dropping images to the upload dropzone (the bordered area which has label "Upload") or when changing a single image. That will open a modal window which has two different Upload buttons, one of which instructs server to use medium size (640 pixels wide) as the maximum image size for the selected images. Images are uploaded to the server using a progress indicator.

When uploaded new images or when updating an existing one, pressing the Shift key at the beginning of the upload gives a signal that you wish to get original images scaled to highres versions, also, i.e. 1600 pixels wide (if the original image is at least that wide).

The 1600 pixels is the maximum width at which an image can be viewed in a public work, but in reality the transferred image has also been scaled to a slightly larger size when possible, just in case there was not enough interest to crop the images at the time of transfer. Later cropping of an image can be enabled by Ctrl-clicking on any image in the image list, which opens a modal window with only image re-cropping and saving functions. As in the Large Preview modal window, the left/right arrows can be used to select the next/previous image. This functionality is available in the 'Browse specific types' view, as well as in the 'Experimental' view, which is a kind of combination of the 'Browse specific types' and 'Edit text' views. In the "Particular browsing" view it also possible to create new images based on the area marked with cropping tool, as well as an option to scale the cropped image up by one size. These modal windows can be opened to show images without possibly beeing scaled smaller, if the browser window size allows that and while opening modal window Ctrl was pressed.

In the writing fine-tuning view, there is a wide range of quick adjustments to try out and choose from. These include the font of the text in the body of a writing, positioning of ingress and style of the border optionally surrounding images. Other effective adjustments include e.g. pushing the images of a writing slightly over the text edges or edges. To apply adjustments to several writings at once, it is sufficient to first make the appropriate adjustments to one writing and copy them to the other writings selected in the mass editing view.

Some of these adjustments are probably less frequently needed, but useful to have available when you need them. One such is the adjustment that makes line breaks for reference and/or meta text (not shown in the picture) be done at any point. Without using it e.g. long web addresses might extend past the boundaries.

Quick adjustments affecting the whole work also have their uses, for example to make the content of the front page of the work more preparatory (more on this elsewhere) and to make small adjustments from language selection to caching and from setting the publicity to setting page width. For some works, it may be useful to set the scalability of the images presented in small size so that they do not end up being too small (will get set to 100% width on a smartphone, for example) and it may sometimes be user-friendly for the reader to enable icons to indicate, for example, the inclusion of videos and image collages in some writings. There are also symbols for redirectlink writings to make them stand out where they are listed. Caching per work is very useful in avoiding server load (even a few seconds of caching is very useful).

From time to time more solution spesific settings become available. Some others include the "Page menu", which allows each page of a work to display a menu that is largely automatically generated from collections of writings available in the public work, from presentatation pages or from blog layouts. Any special pages are also put to these menus or, if no menus are used, at the beginning and end of the rest of e.g. table of contents. If special pages should be omitted from page menu its name need to start with character ":".

An automatically generated specialpage containing a comprehensive list of writings in the work, ordered by availability date, can be made to appear in a page menu or a plainstructure-type front page by enabling the option selectable from the drop-down list.

Links showing writings of a writing collection can be made to function in four different ways: to show the full contents of writings, to show writings as a list with some essential information (nimi, ingress, tags and main image), to show only the name of the writing collection instead of a clickable link or to show a playlist.

The previous and next links at the bottom of a writing page can be let to be links with the writing names, hide them completely or use just bland link names "previous" and "next".

Shareablekey refers to a parameter that can be placed at the end of the public address of a work or any of its pages and whose value, if given correctly, allows a work being in private-mode work to be read without having to make the work public. Alternatively, a solution that has been set as public can be excluded from solution index page by selecting relevant setting.

"Allowed tags" means tags separated by commas, which determine which of tags added to an writing (a separate text field) are taken into account in contexts where tags can be used to do something. These tags can be added in few different views by selecting from the dropdown list.

The possibility to generate a printable version by pressing a single button, as explained in more detail in the writing "Exporting solutions", has only one adjustment to control how it behaves, meaning the the font size multiplier. Choosing option "1.00" works appropriately when printing at A4 size, affecting all text sizes in a writing (headings, captions, etc.). This does not affect redirectlink writings, which are affected by the same setting on target solutions.

One can choose to display the cover image of a work on all pages or on the front page using the solution-specific setting, but it is also also possible to select whether the image should be displayed in a larger size or not at all, and how title of a work should be displayed or whether to not show it at all by "tweaking" special page "Opening section"'s name. The same tweaks also affect the appearance of the PDF version of the solution, if one decides there's need for such.

In practice, if the name of a "Opening section" special page starts with:

  1. "_" no cover image at all
  2. "#" cover image in a rather huge size
  3. ":" cover image without solution's name
  4. "_:" no cover image, no solution's name
  5. "#:" cover image in a rather huge size, but without solution's name.

Those could have been implemented with buttons, but maybe there are enough of them already?

For other specialpages it is possible to have:

(when using pagemenu)

  1. specialpage removed from the page menu and include specialpage's name and its contents to the front page by adding ":" at the beginning of the name
  2. name of the specialpage removed from its own page and from the front page by adding "#" at the beginning of the name
  3. both of the above by adding ":#" at the beginning of the name
  4. name and content of the specialpage removed from the front page by adding "_" after the above

(when not using page memu and the content listing type is "plain structure")

  1. editing the name of the specialpage has no effect

(when not using page menu and the content listing type is other than "plain structure".)

  1. name and content of the specialpage removed from the front page by adding ":" at the beginning of the name
  2. name of the specialpage removed from its own page and from the front page by adding "#" at the beginning of the name
  3. both of the above by adding ":#" at the beginning of the name
  4. name and content of the specialpage removed from the front page by adding "_" after the above

On the page listing user's public solutions, the cover image of a solution can be omitted by selecting relevant setting. It will then be replaced by a grey rectangular area.

Some settings like "Dates in writings' metainfo" may not do anything as such, and for that one also need to adjust the meta info setting in the "writing fine-tuning" view so that the meta info of a writing actually appears anywhere. Without these settings, date of a writing would not appear at all, but with them it can be placed near the titles or at the end of writings.

Every solution can be put to maintenance mode, which is manifested to users as a message that replaces everything else while maintenance mode is in effect. Maintance mode causes this message to be shown, when a reader tries to access a published work: "Solution has been put in to maintenance mode, which is a different choice from making it private. Someone probably just wants use time and care to perfect the solution without revealing anything too soon. If one had to guess, changes take an hour to finalize, but who knows."

List of projects. After logging in, the Fresh section of the project list always opens, listing the projects that the user has classified as current or such. From the same view, you can access the Settings modal window, where you can make user-specific settings from image catalog to the configuration of external services. The function for logging out is placed exclusively in this project list view. The sorting labels fresh, past and forgotten can be taken to mean that wherever the project is placed, the word "forgotten" does not have to mean that something has now been definitively left in a position where it is no longer used and that it may not even be important and, who knows, even if one wants to forget it. Later on, it may be promoted back to the fresh level, e.g. if one feels like it, or left at the past level for a while, in case there is time for further contemplating or preparation at some point. "In preparation" markings are shown per project, if there are any. Projects of other users for which the user has editing rights are displayed in a slightly different style. Below project's cover page, there are links with amounts to writing collections, image containers and adequates marked as "preparing", if any of them has such marking. List of writings having readyness status of "preparing" or "later", linked to the text editing view, can optionally be shown under the project listing panel. There's a user setting for this. Relative importance of those writings in the list can be indicated by toggling using Ctrl-clicking. Dropping a backup of a project into this view (to the panel listing projects) will cause a new project to be created based on the backup. A backup file can contain more than one project. The limit for the filesize is 500 MB, beyond which one can use importing via SFTP as explained in the writing "Project files, CDN files and import via SFTP".

Project Management. This view contains navigation links/buttons to all views/modal windows relevant to the project, from the beginning of writing to fine-tuning the final work, from backup functionality to selecting image catalogs, and from asset management to search functions. Writings are accessed by creating a collection of writings and selecting the corresponding link that takes to the text editing view. Yhdestä projektista voi johtaa useita, yhteisesti kuvakatalogeja käyttäviä teoksia kuten esim. erikielisiä sellaisia.

Text editing. The basic elements of a writing are the textual parts of it (some of which are fully optional) and the 'particulars' that can be included to the writing (are initially just attached to it without being placed in a specific position). There are many more types of these attachable particulars than just images. It is also possible to include another writing in an writing. In addition to the text formatting functions, the text editor menus offer a variety of helpers etc. More specific types of writings include redirectlink and internallink, the former allowing using of writing in other solution and the latter providing a kind of shortcut to editing writing in another solution.

Writing fine-tuning. From a productivity point of view, it would not necessarily be appropriate for a piece of writing to always look exactly as the end result appears, as the thinking process is different, when attention to styling takes up a slice of the thinking time. This is why the fine-tuning of the essence of the writing and the stylization of the elements included in the writing are done in a separate view. Saves time and mouse movements, also. The final appearance of the writing can be viewed in the preview panel or by opening the part of the work where the writing is visible in another tab or browser window.

Special pages of the work and work-specific adjustments. Even a small adjustment can have a big impact, as can be seen for example in how a single adjustment can transform a work started as a blog into a work having a hierarchial table of contents like in a book. Other work-specific adjustments include those that prepare the content of the front page of the work (edited elsewhere) and minor adjustments from language selection to caching and from setting publicity to setting page width. On the front page of a work, before and after collections of writings, there may be links to "special pages", which could be e.g. an Appendix, Glossary or whatever you want them to be.

Browsing the image catalogs. There can be a lot of images per project, so it is largely up to the user to ensure that they are easy to find and use. Moving images from one image catalog or image container to another does not affect the visibility of the images in the writings, but for the production of writings, it is easier to find images when the image catalogs and containers are at least named well. There is not yet a search function that will bring up any image when you ask for it. A very useful feature will be the possibility to see directly if and where an image has been used, i.e. in the image browse view, each image will have direct links to the writings etc. where the images have been used. Several "triggers" are set to react to changes in browser window's width to change how many images and in which size can fit on a single row of images (useful in multi-window operating systems). Naturally, images can also be viewed at their largest size. Image catalogs are selected for use on a project-by-project basis in the project management view, and image catalogs are created in the Settings modal of the project list view. Image-specific tools include, but aren't quite limited to the removal of unnecessary image sizes, image cropping and making different "usable" markings.

In the project managing view, there are project-specific backup functions that allow you to backup everything or something to be kept somewhere else or to be exported to another project a moment later.

A whole project with its writings, images and other stuff can be wrapped in a zip package with a single button press and if needed, the same zip package can be dragged to the project list in the project list view, where a new project is generated from the contents of that zip package. Please note that this will also regenerate all the image catalogs used by the project, i.e. no attempt will be made to combine the new project with any existing image catalogs in the service.

To be honest, the ability to put multiple projects in a single backup without the backup containing the image catalogs used by those projects multiple times is already available, but the user has to enable such functionality separately due to the potentially high server load. Backups generated in this way can be drag'n'dropped into the project list view as usual (image catalogs would not be duplicated even if multiple projects use the same ones).

If one presses the Shift key during drag'n'drop and targets certain project, no new project will be created, but the solutions of the backupped project will be merged with the target project (including image catalogs). This is useful, e.g. when one wants to create one big project from solutions that are spread over several other projects.

Each work has its own project page, which contains navigation links/buttons to all the views and modal windows relevant to the project, from the beginning of writing to fine-tuning the final work, from backup to selecting image catalogs and from asset management to search functions. Here are some of these separate views.

Importing. This screen contains the "drag and drop" area for uploading image files to the server. Images can be imported one by one or multiple ones at a time (serially uploaded). In addition, this view allows you to import JSON-structured data containing collections of writings for the project in question (exported originally in the project managing view). Entire projects with all their images etc. would be imported in the project listing view. In the user-specific settings, there is a setting that causes all the acceptable image formats to be saved in non-destructive PNG format. The "Particulars (images to be added to articles, etc.)" page provides more information on, e.g., how to affect the pre-scaling size of images and how to bring up the image cropping tool.

When screenshots are uploaded from certain custom Android application as described in the writing "Screenshots from tablet directly to quick saves", they include EXIF data that can be used to extract information about the webpage address, title and date. If screenshots have been taken using e.g. a Firefox browser add-on that can save screenshots taken with it to files using certain syntax, information about a webpage is delivered in the filename. In uploading phase information in the filename is used as well as possible to recreate description and source information for a image particular. The syntax of the filename is starting it with the word "screenshot", followed by two separators looking like " --- " between title and url. However, this way, web page address can not stay intact, since file names are usually limited by the operating system in terms of the characters allowed. This probably sounds overly complex, which it is and because of that a custom browser add-on might get coded later, which transfers screenshots straight to the server like already made Android application does.

Moving writings and images. Even if images have already been placed in the writings, it does not prevent moving of images from one image container to another or the whole image container to a different image catalog, since images are referred to by an id code which does not change when the images are moved. The view includes switch buttons to change the possible destinations of images and captions, so that in one position the transfer is only possible within the limits of a project and the image catalogs associated with a project, but since sometimes one wants to move writing or images elsewhere, too, that has been made possible. In addition to moving writings, they can also be copied.

In this view, user rights management has been relaxed so that if a user is an editing user in any project that uses an image catalogue whose image is used in adequate items, that image will be visible even if that project does not have that image catalogue attached.

If necessary, adequate sets can be moved from one user to another in the managing interface. In that case, the adequate set being moved will be unlinked from all projects to which it has been linked. Alternatively, the export/import functions specific to adequate sets can be used.

Writings can be copied from one project to another by using the export function in the project management view as it generates JSON data that can be given as input data in the import ciew of another project. This JSON data can be edited with any of the many JSON editors, allowing, e.g. to remove unneeded writings or writing collections before importing the remaining ones into a project. Areatexts and endtexts will not remain as part of an writing after such an import, because that kind of information is not included in the JSON data.

Other means of copying project elements are the "overwrite writing" and copy/paste functions that are available in the text editing view. The "image assorting" view (described in the writing "Freeform image assorting") could also prove to be beneficial.

Mass actions for writings. You may want to do some operations on several writings at a time, such as hiding parts of a writing that are not needed (e.g. ingress), replacing odd-looking quotes with more common ones, or styling multiple writings to look similar. Doing these things one by one would be quite a clunky job. Other benefits include the ability to see the dates of all the writings in a work at once, and if needed, change them. From the image you might guess that changes can only be made to a collection of writings at a time, but it should be mentioned here that holding down the Ctrl key while selecting a collection of writings from the menu does not replace the previous listing, but adds them to the list. The header fields in the table can used for sorting in a predictable way.

Searching for writings and image containers. After you have written enough and/or have not written for a long time, the search functionality can be useful to find your writings. The occurrence of a search term is highlighted in both the headings and the body text of search results. Around the occurrence of the search term, some text from related writing is shown before and after it. The writings that appear in the search results are linked primarily to the text editing view. If a writing has been published, a link to it will also be available. These links can also be useful when making redirectlink or internallink writings. The limitation of searching the text of a writing is that the search is currently limited to the HTML version of the text, meaning that styling that is made to the text might cause something to be not found even if it appears to be in the text. In this view, you can initialise a search by adding the parameter "seachquery" to the url and giving it a search criterion. If the search criterion begins with "author:", it is assumed that the text following it refers to an authorid. These are created in the Authors section of the user preferences, which is an experimental feature. Writing finding groups are another experimental feature. They are first created in a separate view and can then be selected to list preselected writings in a project-independent way. Searchability (with another button) of the names of the image containers may become useful when there are already several dozens of image containers. It is also possible to search for the names of adequates, and separately for the adequate items.

The front page of a work is a kind of introduction or content listing about what the work contains, and when you change the type of content list, it is this front page that changes most in the work. There are other alternatives to the book-like table of contents, including the "presentation page", which can contain sets of writings arranged in different ways, and a "blog-like", which presumably means a blog-like presentation, where the layout can be adjusted in some way.

In the case of presentation page writings, a "mainimage" for a writing can be displayed (referred to as a "feature image" in some other services/applications). The mainimage must (optionally) be set for each writing separately in the view where the appearance of the writings is fine-tuned and where, for example, images can be included to the writings. A mainimage is also (optionally) used on a writing page as a header image or then just on a introduction pages alone.

Presentation page..

On the works' front page, the "presentation page" could look like this. It shows several different writing sets made from the same collection of writings, in some cases with the writings automatically placed and in others the writings are placed manually. Published work can use multiple layouts, if enabling setting "Page menu" is selected in solution's adjustments. Writing sets are non-participating when added, so that they could be added to presentation page that is already published without any public changes.

(Actually.. you'd better take a look at these: example: More expressive front page, example: Research news (online magazine) and example: multiple presentation pages.

There are about seven writing sets that require manual placement and about seven writing sets for which it is sufficient to just select a writing collection. There are about twenty styling and adjusting options to choose from (image from earlier version).

At the top of the view is a menu from which to select presentation pages created for the project. At the bottom, they are listed in such a way that you can change their order, change their names, change their participating setting and get an address that you can refer to, e.g. in writings.

Presentable pages containing one of more writing sets can be saved for later use. Writing sets can be ordered by simple dragging them using the mouse or other pointing device. Redirect links work in writing sets, too. When a new presentation page is created, a random name is generated for it. The presentation page can be duplicated as well as the blog appearances.


The writings in a blog-like work may be spread across several collections of writings, as the date of the writings determines the order in which they appear to the reader. A work may also contain collections of writings that are not even visible to the reader, but are in the project just for some reason.

For visibility on the presentation page, writings have two changeable dates, one of which is the date that determines the order of writings (publication date) and the other is displayed in the title of a writing (optional update date).

This is what a blog-like work might look like with standard styling.

(Actually.. you'd better take a look at: example: Blogging about something)

There are almost twenty buttons for adjusting the appearance (image from earlier version), which affect margins, image sizes, text ribbon layouts, etc. You can save as many element layouts as you feel you might need.

This is what a blog-like work might look like with a few quick tweaks. The visibility and placement of the writing-specific tags is one of the controls.

Out of ink..

If there are a lot of writings in a work, just listing their names would take up a lot of screen space, making it less easy for the reader to grasp the scope of the work, or perhaps all the writings are in some way equally valuable/important, so why list all the names separately if all of one or more of the writings are intended to be read?

Picture 10. An usual "Plain structure" type front page.
Picture 11. Possibly inspired by the title of funniest man of 1995, it has been decided to name the type generating this type of front page "Out of ink". There is a certain amount of steadfastness to be found.

See sooner..

This, in all its simplicity, allows the reader to get straight to the point: the writings of all the collections of writings in the work are displayed below, separated by the name of the collection of writings, as they would appear if read separately.

[no image, might be needed to mention]

It is often more comfortable to write when there is more text from the same writing visible, as this reduces memory load. A single text field stretched wide and long is not always convenient enough, so a couple of different text writing modes was prototyped for experimentation. The "sliced" one of those has been developed to feel neat to use.

In this alternative text editing text is automatically split into several parts at the points where there subtitle is either bold, type of "Header 1" or type of "Header 2". Unlike in the picture, such a visual slicing can be done from primary and secondary points. This can be useful e.g. at the phase when one is just preparing to write something and want to keep a large amount of already written text quickly and visually presented. Also useful when there are lots of subtitles like e.g. in a writing that acts as a link directory.

If images or other attachments have been attached to the writing, they remain unchanged on save, even if they are not displayed to indicate that they are attached to it. Just a reminder: attaching differs from including. The placeholders stay where they were if they aren't removed while editing text.

If the text content is in a plaintext or a Word file, it can dropped to a "slice" at the point where the cursor is at that moment. The order of these "slices" can be changed manually by first selecting the "moving slices" mode and then moving them as desired. The "slices" can be reversed by using one of the dedicated buttons, which is useful, for example, if user have written things in chronological order but want them in the reversed order.

Another alternative way of editing text is to use the "lots of text editing" view. It allows to glanze writing collection's writings with less effort. There is a toggle button to make the catalog images in the writings appear as thumbnails at the end of the writings. Other particulars are not shown, but they are kept in writings even when saving and the quicklook functionality is usable (hovering the pointer over a placeholder). The switch also limits the maximum height of writings, so that there is not so much to scroll through, because of many longish writings. This is one of the views that has a "Stickyness" switch, which allows certain part of the view to remain roughly in its place when the page is scrolled vertically.

Although you can attach image particulars to an open writing by drag'n'dropping them from the "browse particulars" view, the kind of "compactness" offered by the view combining the "browse particulars" and "text editing" views may be preferable, since glancing between two different views requires a subtle mental reorientation. When same time is spent in the same view

When all the time is spent in the same view, no such "extra fumbling" is needed. Editing writing works exactly the same as in the actual "text editing" view, with the difference that images can be added only by drag'n'dropping from the list on the left. As in the "browse particulars" view, images can be viewed in large size (by clicking on the image) and recropped in the modal window that opens (by Ctrl-clicking on the image).

And if there are so many images that you can't even see the writingparticulars list when you look at the bottom ones, it is also possible attach images from the catalogue by clicking on the image while holding down the Alt key.

In this alternative particular browsing view image-type particulars are first presented in the usual way, laid out on a grid, after which one can start moving them around in the view without any special movement constraints. A large tablet device or a other touchscreen device with a stylus pen becomes a practical combination, as the range of hand movement can be much less than with a mouse.

On a touchscreen device there can could be a feature allowing to grab an image with two fingers and rotate the image while perhaps also resizing it. However, such may be a bit too "gimmickry" without much benefit.

This view also allows movimg images from one image container to another by holding down the Alt key while clicking on an image and (before that) pre-selecting the image container that should be used as a target container to move images to. Targetable image containers can be removed from list of targetable image containers by clicking on them while holding down the Alt key. When using mobile devices, a separate physical keyboard can be used, or one choose to show a switch button corresponding to the Alt key (setting available in user-spesific settings, applies to certain views).

If target image container is not selected, clicking on an image with the Alt key opens the Large Preview modal window, which also includes OCR functionality and the option to change to the next or previous image with the arrow keys. As in the particular browsing view, the Large Preview image can also be displayed by not fitting it in the browser window's viewport, but by displaying it as large as possible. The only difference is that the other required key press is different, as one would have to press the Shift key along with the Alt key when clicking on an image.

When using a keyboard, clicking on an image with the Shift key makes the image increase in size visually. Pressing the Shift and Ctrl keys together decreases image. This doesn't affect the actual resolution of an image. Four different image sizes are available.

On the screen several images can be moved at a time by first clicking on them while holding down Alt and Ctrl simultaneously. Selections made in this way are not removed when moving unselected images or when returning from the modal window, but only when the background or selected images are clicked again. Selected images can be completely deleted from the image container by pressing the Delete key. Their essential information can also be copied to the clipboard for use in some other views.

From the image selections one can create new particular images or pictureshows attached to a writing. This can be done by first using the "copy image selections" and then going to the text editing view, where, using either of the two modal windows for adding images, one can use the image selections by pressing the "Clipboard replace" button. In the case of inserting individual images, each separate image selection will then cause the corresponding image to be attached into a writing. In the case of pictureshow insertion, the user will have a change to set the order of images before attaching a pictureshow into a writing.

After moving images around on the screen their size and placement can be saved and reloaded later. When saving, the width of the browser window at the time is also saved, so that the arrangement of images in a browser window having different width can be adjusted to make sure nothing get places out of boundaries of the browser window. These layouts are reset on a per-image basis if they are moved from one image container to another.

Usable markings can be made as in the particular browsing view. For the sake of clarity, the showing of the images being in use somewhere is presented differently in this view as relevant links are presented as letter symbols place over images instead of e.g. writing names. The images can have markings like "highres", "usable" and those in-use ones at the same time.

The infinite type of viewport of this free-form image browsing is one where images can be spread out beyond the visible area and where you can move the viewport by grabbing the background of the view. It allows you to open images from multiple image containers. It could be used to develop a viewport where you can freely browse images and also edit text, but for now it is an experimental feature that can be enabled in the user preferences. One problem with it is that if you use gestures-type plug-in in the browser, they may lose their ability to draw a visual line in the right place, since their functionality often relies on them editing the displayed web page by adding code to it. In addition, some browsers on many devices do not quite allow the viewport to be infinite.

Based on this kind of image browsing, an experiment has also been made with the browsability of writing sets to offer the possibility of arranging "writing cards" containing main image, name, ingress, date, etc. of the writing in such a way that they can be freely moved around the screen and thus e.g. experiment in which order they feel like they should be in.

Largely separate from the production of works, there is a view for collecting, sorting and editing adequates, where a few different types of items can be used to aid thinking and remembering. Different types of item include links, textual notes, images, videos, graphs generated from data and "scientific notes" (PubMed and other scientific abstracts). These items can be organised into adequete sets and the adequetes within them. Listed adequate content for images and videos can be displayed in larger or smaller size.

An adequate set already set for a project can deselected, as it only affects whether those adequate sets are selectable in this view. Several projects can use the same adequate sets. Unlike with image catalogs, adequate sets are not included in the project-specific backup, but are backupped separately as separate zip packages that can be imported back if necessary.

Adequate sets and adequates are always private, i.e. despite the direct linkability, they are not visible to users, who are not logged in.

The image items are same as image particulars, which can attached/inclued to writings as both use images from image catalogs. In this view, user rights management has been relaxed so that if a user is an editing user in any project that uses an image catalogue whose image is used in adequate items, that image will be visible even if that project does not have that image catalogue attached.

Text-type notes that are not intended to be styled can be copied in their entirety to the clipboard, either one by one or by copying all adequate's text-type notes at once, without selecting their text content separately. This can be useful e.g. if one has written many different notes about a topic and then decides to write something more elaborate based on them.

Links can be added by e.g. drag'n'dropping them directly from browser bookmarks, one by one or folder by folder, as well as from the address field of browsers and link-type files. Relevant modal window is accessible by clicking the "Add item" button. It also allows one to add e.g. YouTube videos, but item types are more limited than what could be attached/included to writings. To add sciency-type items, a separately provided application is required.

The use of links has a few peculiarities, one of which is that its data is retrieved by an external service, which is currently limited to retrieving the page title. Once the link has been added, it can be manually sent (with a button) to another external service, which takes a screenshot of the full page behind the link, returns this image in its internal response, and then saves it to a user-specific "Quick saves" image container, from where it can be moved to another one or be kept there. Cross-device synchronisation between browsers can be used to collect links by keeping a publishing application open in one of them and collecting links first, e.g. to browser's bookmarks. There is also a prototype mobile app, described in the related experimental features writing, which, in addition to allowing taking screenshots of web pages, makes possible to save the addresses and names of web pages directly to the adequate one selected in that mobile app.

Images can be added individually or to an existing image Item, which makes it a multi-image Item. The latter is initiated by first adding a single image using the Attach to the adequate button and then continuing with the Add to the item button. These can be found in the "add image particular" modal window. Multi-image items are displayed as stacked, when showing contents of an adequate containing it and separately in the Item preview panel. Each image is accompanied by a link to the "particular browsing" view and the image container there.

As in the "particular browsing" view, an OCR operation can be performed on the images, the results of which will be added to the text content of that item.

Backupped adequate sets can be imported to a project by drag'n'dropping them onto the "Project's adequate sets" menu element. Item of an adequate can be moved from one adequate to another by simply dragging item of an opened adequate and dropping it on the name of target adequate. If necessary, adequate sets can be moved from one user to another in the managing interface. In that case, the adequate set being moved will be unlinked from all projects to which it has been linked. Alternatively, the export/import functions specific to adequate sets can be used.

It has been considered if it should be possible to a) browse the material on a separate monitor using a hand gesture recognition device, b) browse and edit the material in virtual reality using a separate tactile control device, c) send an item viewed on a desktop view for viewing on a mobile device, but these are so far only interesting prototypes, which were intended to streamline a possible new approach to introducing such functionality.

Table of contents of a work. If you had simply created a project, made a collection of writings and saved a few writings to it, without any fine-tuning of the writings, you would already almost have a table of contents for the work. All that would still be needed is to select which collections of writings to include in the work from the fine-tune writings view. In the work-specific adjustments view, you could put a cover image for the work, which would be shown by default above the table of contents.

Writing page of a work. If some fine-tuning had already been done e.g. on the typeface and the stylization of the borders of the included images, the effects of the adjustments would be immediately visible on the writing page of a work. All the final works have direct links to the collections and writings, both in the table of contents and elsewhere. The images displayed in the modal window can be browsed using the arrow keys on the keyboard or the previous/next icons that are displayed, if so choosen in the user settings. The images browsable in the modal window include all the images of the writing, even if they are in a different pictureshow.The images in the writings can be viewed in larger size.