Table of contents of a work. If you had simply created a project, made a collection of writings and saved a few writings to it, without any fine-tuning of the writings, you would already almost have a table of contents for the work. All that would still be needed is to select which collections of writings to include in the work from the fine-tune writings view. In the work-specific adjustments view, you could put a cover image for the work, which would be shown by default above the table of contents.

Writing page of a work. If some fine-tuning had already been done e.g. on the typeface and the stylization of the borders of the included images, the effects of the adjustments would be immediately visible on the writing page of a work. All the final works have direct links to the collections and writings, both in the table of contents and elsewhere. The images displayed in the modal window can be browsed using the arrow keys on the keyboard or the previous/next icons that are displayed, if so choosen in the user settings. The images browsable in the modal window include all the images of the writing, even if they are in a different pictureshow.The images in the writings can be viewed in larger size.