Largely separate from the production of works, there is a view for collecting, sorting and editing adequates, where a few different types of items can be used to aid thinking and remembering. Different types of item include links, textual notes, images, videos, graphs generated from data and "scientific notes" (PubMed and other scientific abstracts). These items can be organised into adequete sets and the adequetes within them. Listed adequate content for images and videos can be displayed in larger or smaller size.

An adequate set already set for a project can deselected, as it only affects whether those adequate sets are selectable in this view. Several projects can use the same adequate sets. Unlike with image catalogs, adequate sets are not included in the project-specific backup, but are backupped separately as separate zip packages that can be imported back if necessary.

Adequate sets and adequates are always private, i.e. despite the direct linkability, they are not visible to users, who are not logged in.

The image items are same as image particulars, which can attached/inclued to writings as both use images from image catalogs. In this view, user rights management has been relaxed so that if a user is an editing user in any project that uses an image catalogue whose image is used in adequate items, that image will be visible even if that project does not have that image catalogue attached.

Text-type notes that are not intended to be styled can be copied in their entirety to the clipboard, either one by one or by copying all adequate's text-type notes at once, without selecting their text content separately. This can be useful e.g. if one has written many different notes about a topic and then decides to write something more elaborate based on them.

Links can be added by e.g. drag'n'dropping them directly from browser bookmarks, one by one or folder by folder, as well as from the address field of browsers and link-type files. Relevant modal window is accessible by clicking the "Add item" button. It also allows one to add e.g. YouTube videos, but item types are more limited than what could be attached/included to writings. To add sciency-type items, a separately provided application is required.

The use of links has a few peculiarities, one of which is that its data is retrieved by an external service, which is currently limited to retrieving the page title. Once the link has been added, it can be manually sent (with a button) to another external service, which takes a screenshot of the full page behind the link, returns this image in its internal response, and then saves it to a user-specific "Quick saves" image container, from where it can be moved to another one or be kept there. Cross-device synchronisation between browsers can be used to collect links by keeping a publishing application open in one of them and collecting links first, e.g. to browser's bookmarks. There is also a prototype mobile app, described in the related experimental features writing, which, in addition to allowing taking screenshots of web pages, makes possible to save the addresses and names of web pages directly to the adequate one selected in that mobile app.

Images can be added individually or to an existing image Item, which makes it a multi-image Item. The latter is initiated by first adding a single image using the Attach to the adequate button and then continuing with the Add to the item button. These can be found in the "add image particular" modal window. Multi-image items are displayed as stacked, when showing contents of an adequate containing it and separately in the Item preview panel. Each image is accompanied by a link to the "particular browsing" view and the image container there.

As in the "particular browsing" view, an OCR operation can be performed on the images, the results of which will be added to the text content of that item.

Backupped adequate sets can be imported to a project by drag'n'dropping them onto the "Project's adequate sets" menu element. Item of an adequate can be moved from one adequate to another by simply dragging item of an opened adequate and dropping it on the name of target adequate. If necessary, adequate sets can be moved from one user to another in the managing interface. In that case, the adequate set being moved will be unlinked from all projects to which it has been linked. Alternatively, the export/import functions specific to adequate sets can be used.

It has been considered if it should be possible to a) browse the material on a separate monitor using a hand gesture recognition device, b) browse and edit the material in virtual reality using a separate tactile control device, c) send an item viewed on a desktop view for viewing on a mobile device, but these are so far only interesting prototypes, which were intended to streamline a possible new approach to introducing such functionality.