In the writing fine-tuning view, there is a wide range of quick adjustments to try out and choose from. These include the font of the text in the body of a writing, positioning of ingress and style of the border optionally surrounding images. Other effective adjustments include e.g. pushing the images of a writing slightly over the text edges or edges. To apply adjustments to several writings at once, it is sufficient to first make the appropriate adjustments to one writing and copy them to the other writings selected in the mass editing view.

Some of these adjustments are probably less frequently needed, but useful to have available when you need them. One such is the adjustment that makes line breaks for reference and/or meta text (not shown in the picture) be done at any point. Without using it e.g. long web addresses might extend past the boundaries.

Quick adjustments affecting the whole work also have their uses, for example to make the content of the front page of the work more preparatory (more on this elsewhere) and to make small adjustments from language selection to caching and from setting the publicity to setting page width. For some works, it may be useful to set the scalability of the images presented in small size so that they do not end up being too small (will get set to 80% width on a smartphone, for example) and it may sometimes be user-friendly for the reader to enable icons to indicate, for example, the inclusion of videos and image collages in some writings. Caching per work is very useful in avoiding server load (even a few seconds of caching is very useful).

From time to time more solution spesific settings become available. Some others include the "Page menu", which allows each page of a work to display a menu that is largely automatically generated from collections of writings available in the public work, from presentatation pages or from blog layouts. Any special pages are also put to these menus or, if no menus are used, at the beginning and end of the rest of e.g. table of contents. If special pages should be omitted from page menu its name need to start with character ":".

An automatically generated specialpage containing a comprehensive list of writings in the work, ordered by availability date, can be made to appear in a page menu or a plainstructure-type front page by enabling the option selectable from the drop-down list.

Shareablekey refers to a parameter that can be placed at the end of the public address of a work or any of its pages and whose value, if given correctly, allows a work being in private-mode work to be read without having to make the work public. Alternatively, a solution that has been set as public can be excluded from solution index page by selecting relevant setting.

"Allowed tags" means tags separated by commas, which determine which of tags added to an writing (a separate text field) are taken into account in contexts where tags can be used to do something. The previous and next links at the bottom of a writing page can be let to be links with the writing names, hide them completely or use just bland link names "previous" and "next".

One can choose to display the cover image of a work on all pages or on the front page using the solution-specific setting, but it is also also possible to select whether the image should be displayed in a larger size or not at all, and how title of a work should be displayed or whether to not show it at all by "tweaking" special page "Opening section"'s name. The same tweaks also affect the appearance of the PDF version of the solution, if one decides there's need for such.

In practice, if the name of a "Opening section" special page starts with:

  1. "_" no cover image at all
  2. "#" cover image in a rather huge size
  3. ":" cover image without solution's name
  4. "_:" no cover image, no solution's name
  5. "#:" cover image in a rather huge size, but without solution's name.

Those could have been implemented with buttons, but maybe there are enough of them already?

For other specialpages it is possible to have:

(when using pagemenu)

  1. specialpage removed from the page menu and include specialpage's name and its contents to the front page by adding ":" at the beginning of the name
  2. name of the specialpage removed from its own page and from the front page by adding "#" at the beginning of the name
  3. both of the above by adding ":#" at the beginning of the name
  4. name and content of the specialpage removed from the front page by adding "_" after the above

(when not using page memu and the content listing type is "plain structure")

  1. editing the name of the specialpage has no effect

(when not using page menu and the content listing type is other than "plain structure".)

  1. name and content of the specialpage removed from the front page by adding ":" at the beginning of the name
  2. name of the specialpage removed from its own page and from the front page by adding "#" at the beginning of the name
  3. both of the above by adding ":#" at the beginning of the name
  4. name and content of the specialpage removed from the front page by adding "_" after the above

Some settings like "Dates in writings' metainfo" may not do anything as such, and for that one also need to adjust the meta info setting in the "writing fine-tuning" view so that the meta info of a writing actually appears anywhere. Without these settings, date of a writing would not appear at all, but with them it can be placed near the titles or at the end of writings.

Every solution can be put to maintenance mode, which is manifested to users as a message that replaces everything else while maintenance mode is in effect. Maintance mode causes this message to be shown, when a reader tries to access a published work: "Solution has been put in to maintenance mode, which is a different choice from making it private. Someone probably just wants use time and care to perfect the solution without revealing anything too soon. If one had to guess, changes take an hour to finalize, but who knows."