After much browsing of online dictionaries, it has been decided to name the images, videos, tweets, image collages, etc. that can be attached to the writings as "particulars". Images are the only ones that can be stored in image catalogs for use in a number of different writings. In terms of workflows, placing particulars to an writing requires both attaching them to the article (text edit view) and including them (writing fine-tuning view). Not all of the particulars may even be used, but only those that are actually included. Particulars may be referred to by placing a ref marker.

Attaching and including particulars (like images) to writings

It is a deliberate choice to make particulars in the text that is been edited to appear in the form of placeholder elements that symbolize them and which in the case images have image id number and given image width. The position of these placeholder elements can be changed either by clicking on to select it and then moving it by arrow keys, with the Ctrl key held down (one paragraph of text at a time) or, perhaps more easily, by placing the cursor where you want it and then clicking on the placeholder element with the Ctrl key held down.

A quick preview version is available for any particular type by hovering the mouse pointer over the placeholder element. Alternatively, placeholder elements can be made to appear more visually (a function in the text editor's Misc menu), so that e.g. images look like images in the editable text (but without any fine-tuning).

Selectable images in an image catalog (its individual container) are displayed in the modal window of the text editing view, although they could of course be displayed in a different way. If an image has Source information, it will also be shown in this modal window, because sometimes the clearly differing part of many similar-looking images is in it.

When adding either separate images or pictureshow images, there is a button or buttons in the modal window to make use of the image selections made in the "image assorting" view.

It is possible to change the order of the images attached to the writing in the text editing view, but this is only for convenience at the time of writing, i.e. it does not affect the order of the images in the text. The captions of the images are displayed with the images attached to the writing.

When a highres version of an image is stored and available, a visual indicator is displayed in various contexts. In some contexts, this indicator is revealed by the user and in others it is constantly visible. In the text editing view, for each image in a writing there are a few "action tools", of which the button "To pictureshow" includes that image to the preparation of a pictureshow, the effect of which can be seen when that modal window is opened, which is used for attaching a pictureshow (bunch of images) to the writing.

Images are one kind of particulars which can use text styling in their captions. It is possible to have a list of attributes (using bold style) and their values listed one above another by putting them on separate lines and having two columns between an attribute and its value. These can be used to e.g. define or characterize different types of particulars. Also works with images in a pictureshow. Caption texts, if not using mentioned attribute and value pairs, can have text string "_originated_" replaced with image particular's "Source" value and which will then be shown in small caps using font whose letter spacing is slightly looser than usual. Similar styling can be defined to be used on other parts of the caption text by inserting two "_" charactes to where from styling should beging and where it should end at.

Other particulars (than images)

Some other specific types that can be attached are videos (YouTube, Vimeo, streamable video files, maybe others), tweets, SoundCloud music, streamable audio files, coding examples (CodePen and JSFiddle at least), podcasts (about thirty different hosting services), etc.

When using a direct link to video or audio, player's style is currently based on what browser offer by default. It is advisable to place the files to be streamed to be available through the CDN service that is already in use (files can be transfered using SFTP.

A bunch of images is classified as a third, completely different type of particular and which can include several images from one or more image catalogs, which can then be used to make a image slideshow or any other type of presentation available in the writing fine-tuning view. Each of these images can have its own caption in addition to the optional caption for the image collage. The order of the images can be varied when forming the image collage.

In the text edit view, the attached image collages are displayed next to the text as a set of images. Attached image collage can be used as a basis for a new image collage. The captions for these separate images are displayed in the modal window, when they are about to be added or just after pressing modify button. Otherwise their existence is only known (in the text editing view) by textual reminder mentioning amount of captions if there's at least one caption.

Browsing image catalogs

The particular browsing view is only for those particulars that are located as images in image catalogs. The selected project limits which image catalogs are selectable in this view. An image catalog already assigned to a project can be safely removed from the assigned ones, as it does not affect e.g. images already attached or included to a writing or writings, as their visibility and functionality is based on the ids they have.

The width of the browser window automatically affects the grid size wherein images are shown. Up to a maximum of five images per row. An image type particular type can be used in writings, image collages and adequates. Below images are internal links to where images have been used (adequates, writings and pictureshows) and near them are the read-only descriptions and sources (hideable if too obtrusive). There is a use case wherein image particular's source information would have title and url of a website using syntax which starts with the word "screenshot" and followed by other information separated by " --- ". By clicking on that source will result in the title ending up in the description and the url as a link in the source. An url in a source gets automatically converted to a link, when shown in a image grid (in the views particular browsing and combined text editing). If a link is dropped on an image in the grid (e.g. from the operating system's side, from browser's bookmarks or from browser address bar), then title and url of the link will be used as description and source information for the particular image. Also, as more info gets fetched about the link, its availability date will be added to the description information using certain syntax. That date is utilized when image container is momentarily sorted by date. This probably sounds overly complex, but sometimes there are reasons for such.

near by are also images' in-editable description and read-only source information. Both of them can be edited by actually selecting the image. There's also a switch to hide them if they seem to discracting at the moment. Hovering mouse pointer over an image reveals tool buttons such as Details, Crop, Remove, Reduce images, Load Image and "Large Preview". Opening a large preview image also gives access to the OCR function, which is an external service that tries its best to recognize text in images and provide the letters, words and sentences that it founds as plain text. After using it, it is also possible to make a selection from the recognized text and make a web search to retrieve the first three search results using either the Google Search or Brave Search (their APIs). Those results will be shown in the same modal window. Ctrl-clicking on the recognized text will copy all of it to the clipboard. When using Google Search, the metadata in the search results can be used to save date, title, web address, etc. in the description and source data of the image.

The Reduce images function means that all image sizes larger than 640 pixels that were prescaled during the image upload phase are removed. If the Ctrl key is hold down while using it, the image size of 1024 pixels wide is also left undeleted. Crop is also available at the upload phase, but after the upload it is also possible to create multiple new particular images from a selected area of the selected image, which is useful if, e.g. when several areas of an image might work better as separate images.

To make it easier to browse through images of selected container, the "Large preview" image can be changed using the arrow buttons. Also applies to the "Crop images" modal window. Names of image containers of a catalog can be copied to the clipboard, if such is felt as useful. Images can be marking as "usable" in three alternative styles. These markings can also be applied in the image assorting view and they are visible in most views where particular images are listed.

Understanding which image catalog and which image catalog container the image is in can be forgotten, and one might not want to bother searching for it by navigating through many navigational moves. It is easier to click on a link that takes you to a particular browsing view and where relevant image catalog and its container are already opened. As an example, here is a link below the image displayed in the writingparticular panel of the text editing view. The images in the special pages, adequates and writing fine-tune views also have similar links in use.

Fancier ways of browsing images

If the description of an image particular has a date as first characters, using certain syntax and on its own text line, such dates will be utilized to momentarily sort images of a container by date.

Vertically tall images may be more convenient to scroll through if they are placed side by side and the mouse wheel can be used to scroll through them horizontally. There is a possibility to momentarily set it up in in the particular browsing view.

If images in an image container has images with greatly varying heights, some of which may be very tall, one might want to browse them by momentarily limiting their maximum height to 1400 pixels. Visually images that are vertically taller than that will look like they have been "torn across" at the bottom. This function is available in all views where images are placed on a grid. This function also causes only the part of the images that will be displayed to be downloaded from the server.

Method named "lazy loading" is used often, which means that only those images (and e.g. videos) that are meant to be displayed on some moment are loaded from the server or CDN, i.e. scrolling up or down the page causes loading more to be displayed. This applies e.g to browsing image containers, but also to all images in public solutions etc.

Cropping images before uploading and highres images

The importing, item moving and particular browsing views bring up a cropping tool, which allows you to (locally) edit images uploaded to the server by cropping out the unnecessary areas. The actual scaling of images to different sizes is done on the server. The image cropping tool can be accessed by holding down the Ctrl key when drag'n'dropping images to the upload dropzone (the bordered area which has label "Upload") or when changing a single image. That will open a modal window which has two different Upload buttons, one of which instructs server to use medium size (640 pixels wide) as the maximum image size for the selected images. Images are uploaded to the server using a progress indicator.

When uploaded new images or when updating an existing one, pressing the Shift key at the beginning of the upload gives a signal that you wish to get original images scaled to highres versions, also, i.e. 1600 pixels wide (if the original image is at least that wide).

The 1600 pixels is the maximum width at which an image can be viewed in a public work, but in reality the transferred image has also been scaled to a slightly larger size when possible, just in case there was not enough interest to crop the images at the time of transfer. Later cropping of an image can be enabled by Ctrl-clicking on any image in the image list, which opens a modal window with only image re-cropping and saving functions. As in the Large Preview modal window, the left/right arrows can be used to select the next/previous image. This functionality is available in the 'Browse specific types' view, as well as in the 'Experimental' view, which is a kind of combination of the 'Browse specific types' and 'Edit text' views. In the "Particular browsing" view it also possible to create new images based on the area marked with cropping tool, as well as an option to scale the cropped image up by one size. These modal windows can be opened to show images without possibly beeing scaled smaller, if the browser window size allows that and while opening modal window Ctrl was pressed.