In the "Writing fine-tuning" view, you can place a particular to the writing by pressing a "include" button of one of the particulars in the "writing particulars" list. A reference to a particular can be placed with a "ref" button. Numbers for captions are generated automatically (the presence of a particular type in caption is optional). The placement of an included particular can be changed by selecting a location in the text where it should end up and then Ctrl-clicking on the placeholder of the particular that you want to move. The fine-tuning adjustments for a particular can be accessed by selecting a placeholder of a particular (either by selecting it directly or by moving cursor on it with the arrow keys). From the particulars attached to a writing one can also select one "main image", which has its own separate adjustments. When images are deleted from the writingparticulars that are already in the text, but without removing placeholders at the same time, one doesn't need to delete these placeholders separately. Instead they can be cleaned away be just reloading the writing.
PNG images have the possibility to use an alpha channel, which means that the image can be made transparent (fully or partially) using e.g. a graphics editor software. In writings's adjustments there's a setting that makes writing's text to follow the edges defined by that alpha channel.
When images are deleted from the writingparticulars that are already in the text, but without removing placeholders at the same time, one doesn't need to delete these placeholders separately. Instead they can be cleaned away be just reloading the writing.
Writings' content text may have references to images that do not appear in the public solution. Such can be achieved by first selecting part of writing's text in the text editing view and then clicking on any "text connect" button that the attached particular images have. That converts the selected text into a link, which when clicked on, opens a particular browsing view in a new browser tab, wherein relevant catalog, image container and the image itself, shown in a modal window, get opened. Attached image particulars in the text editing view would already have links to the same view, the only difference being that only the relevant catalog and the image container would be opened. The marking can be removed as any other text styling.
In the project managing view, inline-editability is available for changing name for a collection of writings.
In the writing list view, inline-editability is available for changing dates.
In the "Solution writing editing" view the E and S symbols (from the words "end" and "side") next to writings that has a type of "area text" are used to including such writing either to the end of the writing or as part of the content. Tthere are buttons for detaching these in the same view below the writing adjustments and table listing attached particulars.
In the "Text editing" view, the table listing the writings has a feature to display a little more information about the writings in their own columns. Here can be seen some of them: Readyness, Availability, Lastedit and Updated.
There are no plans to introduce timed publishing of writings, but one can pre-set the dates of your posts, organise them as one sees fit and then make them as participating when it's time to publish them. Draft writings can be made by creating a new writing, keeping it open and then Alt-clicking on the writing that should be copied to it in its entirety. Later, same can be done in reverse and the writing then left as redundant may be deleted.
The availability and update dates of a writing can be changed to be 10 minutes later or sooner by Shift-clicking or Shift-Ctrl-clicking on the relevant data cell. This is useful if one is preparing to put writing in a chronological publishing order. If the date information is blank when clicked, the time is first set to the current time and then changed to be 10 minutes later or sooner.
The readyness statuses can be changed quickly between preparing, later and almost by clicking on them while also pressing either Shift or Shift and Ctrl. In the bulk editing view multiple writings' readyness statuses can be changed at once, but it requires navigating to there.
In the "Text editing" view, the table listing the writings has a feature to display a little more information about the writings in their own columns. Here can be seen some of them: Writing type and Size. There is also Description, which is limited to 30 characters, so that it can be used, for example, to group writings by a short keyword or group of keywords. Writings can be deleted by clicking on an icon resembling a paper airplane.
In the "Text editing" view, Ctrl-clicking on the name of an entry in the list of entries gives access to a mode where the position of a writing in the list of writings can be changed by rolling the mouse wheel. Alternatively, you can click on the arrow icons that cause a writing to move one row at a time, which can accessed by pressing the "Adjust sorting order" button. Save with the "Adjust sorting order" button.
If one clicks writing while holding down the Alt key, the contents of the selected writing will overwrite much of what the opened writing used to have. The overwriting does not affect the title of the writing, its readyness level nor its participating status, but everything else. Since this kind of overwriting also changes all previous particulars of the opened writing, such as images, this can be used e.g. for versioning writings, e.g. in situations where one is about rewrite something but don't want to publish the changes immediately, but sometime later. Afterwards overwriting can be done in the opposite direction, so that the public address of the writing doesn't need to change.
In some views, it is quite common that the height of the view becomes rather high due to space requirements of different panels and other elements and thus it recommended to use a mouse with a wheel to scroll the page. Sometimes even that is not sufficient to maintain usability, and that's why the visibility or space requirements of some parts of the view can be varied between the two options. Lever controls for this are available, for example, in the writing fine-tuning view. In the same group of levers, an lever has been added to be able to select and list also those writings and writing collections that has been marked as non-participating ones.
Writings may have several types of text parts, such as Introduction and Opinion. Their visibility to the author can be adjusted by making them visible or invisible by selecting them individually or using presets. If you disable a text part, this does not remove the text in the text part, which avoids damage. These settings do not affect how the text appears to the reader, as it is affected by whether there is content in certain textarea and, in some cases, whether a separate visibility setting is turned on in the writing fine-tuning view. These textareas can be seen in many views, wherein writings can be edited.
Some of these textareas have more sophisticated functionality, such as linking references to parts in the content text of a writing, selecting a date with the mouse, selecting tags from a dropdown list, etc.
Of these textareas, the Document header and Document footer are only used in the writing sending view, where one can e.g. generate a Word document based on a writing, which can be given a header and footer. This is an experimental feature for which address, document type name and date may be given, and which will be placed in appropriate positions together with page numbering etc. The syntax is described in more detail in the placeholder hint of the relevant textareas.
Sometimes you may have so much text, pictures and other attached particulars in one writing that you could move some of them to another writing. For just such a situation, there is a function in the menu that copies the selected area with all its particulars to a (special) clipboard, so that the user does not have to add all of it separately to a new writing.
The Text editing and Fine-tuning text views have slightly different text editor menus for the Misc and Tools menus. In the latter, tools such as language translation, blank line deletion and printing are available. Misc menu's items can be used to change the appearance of the text editor by changing the font and the type of placeholders, among other things. In the view that has more affection the styling and layout of published text, helpful tools include the ability to quickly change the width of all images in the writing and to place all attached image-type writingparticulars to a writing at once.
There are a few different ways to affect the size of the "Content" area of a writing. Vertically, it is done by moving the horizontal bar at the bottom of the Content text area. Horizontally, there are five options in the Mood menu, one of which hides from view the table on the left listing the writings, to leave more space to Content area. The other one does not hide it, but narrows the width of the left and right sides. The third is the default setting, where everything has a reasonable amount of space. The other two arrange more screen space for images and places them in a grid in either three or four images per row.
When there is a lot of text together with many subheaders it can be useful to momentarily make the subheaders stand out a bit more, but not too much. Sometimes it can be useful to have all the subheadings in the text copied to the clipboard, so there is a function for this in the Tools menu.
These menus are subject to change from time to time as features are added, but not everything that can be done is added there, such as the ability to place some special characters to the text as such can also be done by using so-called alt codes, i.e. pressing the Alt key and typing e.g. 0173, which will then will place a "soft hyphen" to the text. It may may not look like anything visually, but the browser can hyphenate the word at that point.
There is a separate button for saving, but one can also press Ctrl-S (Command on a Mac) to save the writing. Other special features of the "text editing" view, for which there are no visual hints, are described in the writing "Listing table functionalities".
The pictures show that there are some options for the styling text. There are four types of list styling: bullet list, number list, bulletless list and "on same row bullet list".
Some stylings are not limited to expressing something visually, as the markings made with them can be copied to the clipboard and then further processed as desired. These markings are not saved to the writing unless the writing itself is saved. Even if they are saved to the writing, they will not appear in the published writing, as they are only meant to be an aid to editing. Useful at least when, during the content production phase, some relevant points are marked so that just those could easily be copied to another writing. These markings are not saved to the writing unless it is manually saved, so there is no need to clean them away separately.
Dragging files directly from the hard drive (or other storage device) of the computer you are using makes it easier to perform certain functions such as importing images of a certain type, converting Word documents and importing a zip package containing a backup of a single project. Drag zones are identified by the visual cue that appear in the form of a border and background change when a file, file or other qualifying element is overlaid on them. Visual cues aren't always present in the user interface as this would often be an unnecessary visual distraction.
In the project managing view, the cover image for a project can be changed by dragging an image onto related panel, which is then also displayed in the project list view. Alternatively, the image can also be selected from a file list provided by the operating system used (also works on mobile devices). An image can also be drag'n'dropped from the "particular browsing" view, which will result in creating a new image for that purpose only. That all also applies to cover images of solutions. There can be two different cover images per solution, where the rule is that if a solution has only one cover image, it will be used in appropriate size on both the solution index page and the front page of a solution, but if holding down the Ctrl key during the upload phase a different image will be saved as the solution index cover image.That all also applies to cover images of solutions with the difference that they are used in the public solution index instead of the project list view.
In the text editing view, you can generate a new writing by dragging a newer or older Word file onto a table listing writings, which is automatically converted to text that is stripped from stylings. Plain text files can also be imported in the same way, i.e. there is no need to open the file with an editor installed on the operating system, copy text on the clipboard etc. When a plain text file is dropped to the writing table, it is possible to make the file be read using encoding ISO-8859-10 by pressing Shift key at the time of dropping. Web addresses can be dropped over the writings table in a few different views, with the result that the web address is processed using an external API to extract the name of the web page and its mildly AI-assisted inferred "relevant content", which is then saved as the name and content of a new writing. If either a redirectlink or an internallink is dropped over the writings table while pressing Shift, a new writing of either type is created. Some browsers have restrictions on which links can even be dragged, but many allow doing it e.g from address bar and bookmarks.
The file names from which the names of writings are created can be prepared several at a time using e.g. the PowerShell ("an advanced shell that allows, among other things, the execution of scripts to automate many computer functions") included in the Windows operating system. It can be used to e.g. name all the files in a directory based on some criteria.
Removing the "df - " at the beginning of a file:
get-childitem *.docx | foreach { rename-item $_ $_.Name.Replace("df - ", "") }
Renaming files completely so that the filename starts with "gh_" followed by numbering in ascending order, where the numbers are preceded by up to two zeros:
Get-ChildItem *.txt | %{Rename-Item $_ -NewName ('gh_{0:D3}.txt' -f $i++)}
In the alternative text editing view, you can also drop text content from plaintext or Word files into "sliced" parts of the writing, which will then be placed exactly where the text cursor is located in that "slice" at that time.
In the importing view, there is an "upload multiple" drag and drop area, which allows serial import of multiple images.
Since there is no height specification for the images included in the writings, but only a width percentage, images can be swapped without having to be readjusted. A previous image can be replaced by dragging a new image onto the image element that is visible when the image details form is displayed. It exists in three different views: particular browsing, importing and item moving. Images can be moved from one container to another or attached to a writing (from one tab or window to another) while in a grid-like listing.
In the project list view, it is possible to import a single backup of a project by dragging the related zip package onto the project list panel.
In the "Catalog images" section of a writing opened in the "Text editing" view, it is possible to attach an image dragged from the "Particular browsing" view. From the view being open in another window, that is. Alternatively, of course, you can also use the "Attach catalog image" function.
In the adequates view, a single opened adequate approves images dragged from the particular browsing view. From the view being open in another window, that is. Alternatively, of course, you can also use the "Add image particular" function. Items in an adequate can be moved from one adequate to another by dropping an adequate item on the target adequate in the table listing them. Adequates can be moved from one adequate set to another by opening the adequate set and dropping an adequate over adequate set drop-down list.
With all the accumulation of all kinds of ready-made content and potential use, it can be a little difficult to remember or decide what was still in progress or about to be taken up, despite all the naming and organising. In the case of images, the particularbrowsing view has already offered the possibility to list only those images that are not yet used anywhere, and for writings etc., it was possible to choose whether something was participating or not.
In addition to these options, there is also a 'in preparation' flag that can be set for image containers, collections of articles and adequates. In practice, the labels appear in a uniform way in the tables listing these on the left-hand side of the row of the table being labelled, which can be shown or removed by using the toggle buttons in the particularbrowsing, textediting and adequates views.
If a project has been marked as "preparing" in this way, there will be related links below the project image in view listing projects so that less navigating would be needed to get to a relevant view.
Separate writings' readyness statuses can be set to be either "preparing" or "later", if one wants to list either kind of them below the projects in the project list view. In the user settings, there is a choice of which kind of them, if either, is to be shown there. They will only be shown if a user is currently listing "Fresh" projects as the idea has been that those writings will be dealt with "in the near future at the latest". This is useful if a user has a large number of projects, which together have many writings, and one don't always want to have to remember which writings was meant to be dealt with.
Adequate sets might be used more often if there was a shorter distance to navigate to the adequate in them. For this purpose, there is a user setting similar to what is mentioned above, to list adequates that are marked as "Preparing state" in the project list view.
The "inspiration arrangements", which belong to experimental features, can also be listed in this view as a text link. Inspiration arrangement is a saved layout that consist of predefined elements from either writing finding groups's descriptions or adequates' items. They can moved around on screen similarly to images on image assorting view and their positions can be saved for later use.
When transferring files to the server, especially when transferring large files, one may want to know the current subprocess and an estimate of when the transfer will be completed.
Thus, when importing a project or a solution from a project, the project list view will display real-time information about the file transfer and subprocesses such as unzipping, moving the images in the zip file to where they belong etc.
The additional information displayed in the file storing view is either limited to showing the progress of the file transfer as a percentage or then as much additional information is displayed as in the project list view.
When uploading images progress is shown as amount of process images. Uploading of images also automatically scales images to different sizes.
The feeling that some projects have something that are unfinished or that there are unknown amount of unused images etc. may complicate or delay working with some projects. Reorganising and creating completely new projects might help. Even the traditional paper and pencil can be used, e.g. to sketch out how you are going to use a project and for what purpose. The publishing application has a variety of quite ordinary functions for reorganisation.
In some situations rearrangement or a simple moving of a few writings or images requires brief preparatory thinking or something to be done beforehand. E.g, if you want to transfer some writings and images to another project, so that the images gets transferred to an image catalog used by only the target project, you have to transfer the images of the writing first and then the writing. The other way round this does not work, because the writings are not allowed to be transferred if the writingparticulars in them are not in the image catalog used by the target project. In the "moving things" view, you can keep the writings and the images to be transferred visible at the same time, so there is no high cognitive load to perceive or at least it can be avoided. Of course, you can temporarily put the same image catalogs on two different projects, if that makes things easier. If you forget to transfer the writings after transferring the images, it may seem that everything is ok, but when a user, who is not logged in browses the related writings (of a published work), the images in them may not be displayed at all.
Here are some examples of more straightforward possibilities:
Image particulars in writings are always referred to by a simple numeric id, so e.g. transferring images to another image container does not require any changes to be made to the writings.
Roughly speaking, if removing something might cause a lot of harm when doing so accidently, by erronous choice or without much contemplating, then user will be asked to confirm the removing of that something. Removing projects and image catalogs are such situations. Sometimes it is simply not allowed until something else has been done first. E.g. removing an image from image container, when image is still in use in a writing or removing image container, when its images are still in similar use. Removing a single writing or a writing collection does not raise questions asking for confirmation. It is recommended that projects that have been altered get backupped soonish.
Included particulars of a writing that is been edited are by default presented in the form of a textual symbol, where memorability is aided by a preview version that can be shown by hovering the mouse pointer over it. An alternative would be to implement a text editor where everything is always presented as it appears publicly, but embeddable particulars that get loaded from elsewhere often do not load immediately. It would be a bit of a slow down and would meaninglessly direct attention to how something is still taking shape while thoughts should be focused on the ideas related to the writing.
That's why so-called "better placeholders" mode is selectable from the editor's Misc menu. Available in views "text editing" and "writing fine-tuning". Location of any placeholder element can be changed as usual in both editor modes, i.e. first the cursor to some position in a writing (preferably between text paragraphs) and then Ctrl-clicking on some placeholder.
At the side of a writing or between paragraphs of text, you can place an area to provide additional information, a summary etc., which is called a "sidebar" in the publishing "scene", but in this service it has already become known as a sidebar. It is possible that this may be confused with a slightly later feature, which has been provisionally named "sideshow" and which is basically a sidebar at the side of the front page of a work, where basically anything can be placed (statistics, advertisements etc.). Here are a few available sidebar border style adjustments to make it stand out from the rest of the text.
You can use images as content in these writings, but not pictureshows, nor anything embeddable. Due to memory load, it might be advisable to initially keep them in the same writing collection as the writings they are part of. In the fine-tuning writings view, hovering a pointer over a writing that uses one of these will cause the included writing to indicate its inclusion visually if they are in the same writing collection. All kinds of writings can be freely moved within the project boundaries from one writing collection to another without worrying about breaking integrity.
When you produce several works, you may want to create one-directional references between them, rather than copying an entire text from one work to another and maintaining them both. These redirect links are created in the text editing view in the same way as regular texts. The effect can be seen in the table of contents of a work using a "plain structure" type of table of contents.
These links can redirect only to pages of solutions in the same instance of the publishing application and it should be noted that the functionality of these links is not checked when the project or part of the project to which the link refers is removed or when the project in which the redirect link is set is exported, removed and then re-imported. Later there will be Usability checks view, where these kinds of checks are done automatically, among other things.
Redirection links work for all different types of works, provided that the target solution's settings explicitly allow redirect link targeting. Title, ingress, date, tags and mainimage are retrieved from referred writing as appropriate.
Each blog-type work has its own RSS page, which can be used in RSS aggregator applications, i.e. those that produce a browsable list of the work's content using the metadata of the writings. You can also set a caching period for these.
Device-specific differences in operation are some of the reasons that justify changing the mode of some functionality. E.g. the Apple Pencil used with the iPad cannot perform hovering functions, because the hardware in them do not allow it. This is why when using the iPad, "placeholder quicklooks" should be turned off, so that when tapping a placeholder, nothing confusing would open up.
It may happen that a writing collection grows to having, say, hundreds of writings, in which case you may want to limit the maximum height of the tables listing the writings to reduce vertical scrolling. This setting also affects the image container tables as it tends to happen that they become numerous.
Experimental features include infinite viewport and PDF export. The former works great on Windows 11, for example, but less well on many mobile browsers. PDF export works well if A4 is used as the page size, but for other sizes the implementation is still under consideration.
When using mobile devices, a separate physical keyboard is not always carried along, so it is useful to turn on the Show modifier key substitutes option.
Sometimes a bug is so problematic on certain devices that it is better to turn something off. For some reason, many of these problems occur on iPad devices, but at least to a very limited extent. On the iPad, it is worth turning on the "Disable position changeability of writing particulars" option. It does nothing more than make it not possible to rearrange the order of the writing particulars in the text editing view, which is of little consequence because it doesn't anywhere else. Otherwise you couldn't tap writingparticular's caption to edit it.
Images placed in image catalogs can be selected to be converted to PNG file format (from JPEG). The choice of conversion options may become more varied once support for e.g. the WebP file format is added.
There are more of these user settings than the image suggests, such as "Tighter UI", which means using the space between visual elements in the UI views more compactly and reducing the size of fonts, among other things. For convenience, new writings can be chosen to be primarily "participating" or "non-participating", if there is a use for such a user settings. There are also some user-specific settings related to the usability of things in preparation.
The user might also be interested to know how much data transfer from the server and away from the CDN has taken place in the current billing cycle, and how much disk space is still available, so this information can optionally be kept visible in the project list view. Also, the number of blog posts per solution may be something one would like to see directly in the project managing view, so that option can also be enabled.
When there is suddenly need to restrict amount of the data transfer from the server (outbound traffic), it is possible to limit the maximum size of the images to be displayed. In that case, the maximum image width will be limited to 640 pixels, which is much less than the maximum size of 1600 pixels wide images. This mode of for trying to ensure that there would be no change in the readability of writings and that images could still be displayed, albeit in decreased quality.
The publishing application can be used with multiple views open at the same time on several different tabs or browser windows, but it can also be used simultaneously on several different devices. On one device, or more precisely, on one browser, user first have to log in with a password, after which user is presented with a login session code, which can be used to log in to the publishing application with the same username on an unlimited number of browsers. When a view of the user interface of the publishing application is just open and visible, it is not using server resources at all.
This can be useful, e.g. when writing on one device, such as a laptop, while at the same time holding a tablet-type device in portrait mode with some notes visible on it. An alternative to just that would be to use one login and an extended desktop with e.g. a monitor connected to the HDMI connector. Or maybe user want to have two different devices with the publishing app ready to use, but uses only one device at a time. One log out is sufficient. No need to do it on every browser/device.
There are three choices for the maximum width of the text in a writing ("rather narrow", "widish" and "very filling") and a writing can also have an oversized type of main image. Included particulars scale according to the maximum width of the writing.
In the text editor menu, there is an option to translate the selected text into another language. The selected area can contain any of the styles that a writing is allowed to use. After about one second of text translation, the style will still be as before, only the language of the text have changed for the selected part. The text translation uses the DeepL service directly from the browser, i.e. the server of the publishing application is not used in between. A free user account for DeepL is required to obtain an "apikey", which is set in the user-specific settings of the publishing application. The language translation is configured to be used from Finnish to English and vice versa.
User-specific settings also include settings for external services. Only the CDN address is required and necessary, the others are completely optional. The aim is to select external services that provide real added value to the use of the publishing application and do not require payment from the first use.
To avoid unnecessarily taking responsibility for external services that users may have paid for separately, apikeys are primarily stored to cookies in user's browser. If user wishes to save the apikeys to a database on the server, an alternative "Save apikeys to database" button is displayed, when pressing the Ctrl key. Apikeys are only stored in one of two places, either in the database or locally as cookies, i.e. when saving them to cookies they get removed from the database and vice versa. Any additional information can be added to the text fields by first inserting a space and then entering e.g. information about pricing.
There are many choices to try and deploy. For a while at least, DeepL, Wordnik, ABBYY, Sceenshot Machine, Mapbox, Positionstack, Newsapi, Mediastack and others have been deployed.
Some external services are used only privately, such as translating text from one language to another, but others, such as map services, are also a bit problematic in a way, as the apikey of such services must be included in writings in which a map is used. If it is a public writing anyone can find that apikey. It is possible to overcome this problem by making additional adjustments in the user preferences of the map service, e.g. regarding the domain on which apikey can be used. Another consideration for the use of apikeys in public works is that their usage may be free only up to a certain limit. Some of these services provide real-time statistics on their use (e.g. Mapbox: Maps Loads for Web (loads), Static Tiles API (tile requests) and Temporary Geocoding API (requests).
Obtaining an SSL certificate for the publishing application instance is recommended when using these external services, as it is the policy of browsers that all cookies related to a web address are transferred to the server with each connection, meaning that with unsecured connections some data e.g. apikey can be captured by secretly monitoring the data transfer. Storing the apikey to a database instead of cookies allows them to be transferred less frequently from the server to the browser side, but still every now and then.
As the client of the publishing application will in any case have a CDN service account (required), the service from the same provider for storing and sharing files can also be enabled, which is fully optional. This requires the information "storage zone" and "storage apikey", which are created in the CDN service settings. The client of the publishing application can choose to share that information with those who have been set up a new user accounts in the admin settings of the publishing application. For more information on how to use CDN Storage, see the writing "Project files, CDN files and importing via SFTP".
In the text editing view additional information about e.g. a link or video id is retrieved using external service. The process begins, when the text field where to a link or relevant id in the link is entered gets defocused. This information is then retrieved using an external service or application programming interface (API), e.g. the service provided by the YouTube that outputs information in oEmbed format. In the case of an online video, query returns structured (i.e. machine-readable) information, e.g. on the length, author and height in pixels. Some of this information is not visible to the user at any point, but is used in other ways.
In the adequates view there's a text area for adding links, to which one can enter or drag'n'drop one of more links and then begin automatic processing of them.
Each separate view is divided horizontally into 1 to 3 groups, depending on how wide the browser window is. If less wide, some views will hide the rightmost group of panels etc. and if the width is less than a certain pixel width, all groups of panels and elements will be put on top of each other, making the view oblong in shape. Such a feature or possibility may be useful when keeping several different views open in several different browser windows, or if the goal is to limit only slightly where you want to focus your attention (e.g. in the text editing view, you may sometimes want to hide the particulars group).
Some views may have other or additional width triggers, which then affects how the elements on the page are arranged. The particular browsing view is one where there are several such triggers, and in its case this is due to the aim of providing a quick way of presenting multiple images using different layouts without having to go to some buttons to select a layout.
In the Text editing view, there is a separate menu option to make the text editor the focus of attention without trying to imitate the so-called "quiet editing mode" offered by some other word processors or text editors, which would effectively just mean switching to fullscreen mode and hiding everything else from view except the text being edited. Not even from a thought process point of view it makes sense to hide almost all visual elements from view.
Errors and parts of the text that need correction in a written writing may sometimes be better noticed by printing out the text in the editor and making notes and markings on paper. In this case, the printout will not contain any particulars at all, but just the text with minimum styling.
A logged-in user can do reviewing on writings by going to the works page displaying a writing (or a collection of writings) and pressing the Shift key to enter edit mode. This allows you to immediately type (in red) and strike-out text (by holding down the left mouse button and swiping over the text). To erase the markings made, hold down the Ctrl key and mark the area to be erased with the mouse. Press the Shift key a second time to exit edit mode. These entries are not saved anywhere, so reloading the page will reset the situation.
In the "text editing" view, it is possible to make a few kinds of colour marking on the writing being edited, which can be marked e.g. on a copy of a writing and which can be copied to the clipboard at once if necessary.