When you produce several works, you may want to create one-directional references between them, rather than copying an entire text from one work to another and maintaining them both. These redirect links are created in the text editing view in the same way as regular texts. The effect can be seen in the table of contents of a work using a "plain structure" type of table of contents.
These links can redirect only to pages of solutions in the same instance of the publishing application and it should be noted that the functionality of these links is not checked when the project or part of the project to which the link refers is removed or when the project in which the redirect link is set is exported, removed and then re-imported. Later there will be Usability checks view, where these kinds of checks are done automatically, among other things.
Redirection links work for all different types of works, provided that the target solution's settings explicitly allow redirect link targeting. Title, ingress, date, tags and mainimage are retrieved from referred writing as appropriate.
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