The starting point was originally that "of course a writing has to have a name", but does it have to? Surely something must be shown when e.g. listing such on the front page of a solution, so what would it be if not the name of writings?

There are use cases where it is impractical to try to come up with a name for an writing, so the decision was made to use the first 300 characters of the first text element of writing's content, whether it be a subheading, text paragraph or something else, instead of the name of the writing. This substitute text is used, e.g. in tables listing writings and on the front page of a published solution. On the writing pages of a published solution, names of writings are simply omitted.

Picture 1. Few writings in the view "blog appearance editing", wherein some blog posts have their titles automatically taken from writings' existing name and others have blog title derived from writings' content.
Picture 2. Few writings in the view "lots of text editing" wherein some writings have, for explanatory reasons, their names also in the content text, while others have no writing at all.