Dragging files directly from the hard drive (or other storage device) of the computer you are using makes it easier to perform certain functions such as importing images of a certain type, converting Word documents and importing a zip package containing a backup of a single project. Drag zones are identified by the visual cue that appear in the form of a border and background change when a file, file or other qualifying element is overlaid on them. Visual cues aren't always present in the user interface as this would often be an unnecessary visual distraction.

In the project managing view, the cover image for a project can be changed by dragging an image onto related panel, which is then also displayed in the project list view. Alternatively, the image can also be selected from a file list provided by the operating system used (also works on mobile devices). An image can also be drag'n'dropped from the "particular browsing" view, which will result in creating a new image for that purpose only. That all also applies to cover images of solutions. There can be two different cover images per solution, where the rule is that if a solution has only one cover image, it will be used in appropriate size on both the solution index page and the front page of a solution, but if holding down the Ctrl key during the upload phase a different image will be saved as the solution index cover image.That all also applies to cover images of solutions with the difference that they are used in the public solution index instead of the project list view.

In the text editing view, you can generate a new writing by dragging a newer or older Word file onto a table listing writings, which is automatically converted to text that is stripped from stylings. Plain text files can also be imported in the same way, i.e. there is no need to open the file with an editor installed on the operating system, copy text on the clipboard etc. When a plain text file is dropped to the writing table, it is possible to make the file be read using encoding ISO-8859-10 by pressing Shift key at the time of dropping. Web addresses can be dropped over the writings table in a few different views, with the result that the web address is processed using an external API to extract the name of the web page and its mildly AI-assisted inferred "relevant content", which is then saved as the name and content of a new writing. If either a redirectlink or an internallink is dropped over the writings table while pressing Shift, a new writing of either type is created. Some browsers have restrictions on which links can even be dragged, but many allow doing it e.g from address bar and bookmarks.

The file names from which the names of writings are created can be prepared several at a time using e.g. the PowerShell ("an advanced shell that allows, among other things, the execution of scripts to automate many computer functions") included in the Windows operating system. It can be used to e.g. name all the files in a directory based on some criteria.

Removing the "df - " at the beginning of a file:

get-childitem *.docx | foreach { rename-item $_ $_.Name.Replace("df - ", "") }

Renaming files completely so that the filename starts with "gh_" followed by numbering in ascending order, where the numbers are preceded by up to two zeros:

Get-ChildItem *.txt | %{Rename-Item $_ -NewName ('gh_{0:D3}.txt' -f $i++)}

In the alternative text editing view, you can also drop text content from plaintext or Word files into "sliced" parts of the writing, which will then be placed exactly where the text cursor is located in that "slice" at that time.

In the importing view, there is an "upload multiple" drag and drop area, which allows serial import of multiple images.

Since there is no height specification for the images included in the writings, but only a width percentage, images can be swapped without having to be readjusted. A previous image can be replaced by dragging a new image onto the image element that is visible when the image details form is displayed. It exists in three different views: particular browsing, importing and item moving. Images can be moved from one container to another or attached to a writing (from one tab or window to another) while in a grid-like listing.

In the project list view, it is possible to import a single backup of a project by dragging the related zip package onto the project list panel.

In the "Catalog images" section of a writing opened in the "Text editing" view, it is possible to attach an image dragged from the "Particular browsing" view. From the view being open in another window, that is. Alternatively, of course, you can also use the "Attach catalog image" function.

In the adequates view, a single opened adequate approves images dragged from the particular browsing view. From the view being open in another window, that is. Alternatively, of course, you can also use the "Add image particular" function. Items in an adequate can be moved from one adequate to another by dropping an adequate item on the target adequate in the table listing them. Adequates can be moved from one adequate set to another by opening the adequate set and dropping an adequate over adequate set drop-down list.