Device-specific differences in operation are some of the reasons that justify changing the mode of some functionality. E.g. the Apple Pencil used with the iPad cannot perform hovering functions, because the hardware in them do not allow it. This is why when using the iPad, "placeholder quicklooks" should be turned off, so that when tapping a placeholder, nothing confusing would open up.
It may happen that a writing collection grows to having, say, hundreds of writings, in which case you may want to limit the maximum height of the tables listing the writings to reduce vertical scrolling. This setting also affects the image container tables as it tends to happen that they become numerous.
Experimental features include infinite viewport and PDF export. The former works great on Windows 11, for example, but less well on many mobile browsers. PDF export works well if A4 is used as the page size, but for other sizes the implementation is still under consideration.
When using mobile devices, a separate physical keyboard is not always carried along, so it is useful to turn on the Show modifier key substitutes option.
Sometimes a bug is so problematic on certain devices that it is better to turn something off. For some reason, many of these problems occur on iPad devices, but at least to a very limited extent. On the iPad, it is worth turning on the "Disable position changeability of writing particulars" option. It does nothing more than make it not possible to rearrange the order of the writing particulars in the text editing view, which is of little consequence because it doesn't anywhere else. Otherwise you couldn't tap writingparticular's caption to edit it.
Images placed in image catalogs can be selected to be converted to PNG file format (from JPEG). The choice of conversion options may become more varied once support for e.g. the WebP file format is added.
There are more of these user settings than the image suggests, such as "Tighter UI", which means using the space between visual elements in the UI views more compactly and reducing the size of fonts, among other things. For convenience, new writings can be chosen to be primarily "participating" or "non-participating", if there is a use for such a user settings. There are also some user-specific settings related to the usability of things in preparation.
The user might also be interested to know how much data transfer from the server and away from the CDN has taken place in the current billing cycle, and how much disk space is still available, so this information can optionally be kept visible in the project list view. Also, the number of blog posts per solution may be something one would like to see directly in the project managing view, so that option can also be enabled.
When there is suddenly need to restrict amount of the data transfer from the server (outbound traffic), it is possible to limit the maximum size of the images to be displayed. In that case, the maximum image width will be limited to 640 pixels, which is much less than the maximum size of 1600 pixels wide images. This mode of for trying to ensure that there would be no change in the readability of writings and that images could still be displayed, albeit in decreased quality.
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