This view that needs a separate login account is not intended to be used very often. Usually, only at the very beginning of becoming publishing application customer, this view need to be accessed briefly so that CDN address can be set. Without it being set all the public pages' footer contain a message that mentions about missing CDN address.

It provides, among other things, the possibility to create new users and the editing of user-specific constraints. Some areas of the managing view contain just information e.g. "how much outbound transfer bandwidth has been used in the current billing cycle".

If a project meant to be transferred to another user has adequate sets attached with it, these associations will be removed. However, adequateate sets can be transferred from one user to another separately.

The regularities for user-to-user transfers are:

  • a project can be transferred from one user to another if the project catalogs are only used by that project, otherwise the transfer attempt is aborted from the start
  • a catalogue can be transferred from one user to another if the catalogue is not used by any project
  • a solution can be transferred from one project to another if they are from the same user
  • an adequate set can be transferred from one user to another, but the adequate set is detached from all projects

These transfers typically require a relevant id code (e.g. projectid) and the username of the user to whom something is meant to be transferred.

Occasionally, on rare occasions, one might choose from the normal user accounts the one that will become the main user, i.e. the one whose public solkutions will be listed when going to the domain's index page. Otherwise, a user listing would be displayed, from which one could select to see the user-specific listing of published solutions.

If necessary (highly unlikely), there's a simple button that can be used to clear the contents of long-lived caches that form in the central memories of the servers in use. Such caches include a partial copy of the database contents with relations, as it is much faster to retrieve information from them than from the database, as the database is located on a slower SSD.

It is possible to choose to reduce the visible size of the listed public solutions, when viewed on a smallish browser window widths so that more of them can be displayed at once, or to place them underneath each other and to not hide the descriptive text os solutions.